Tag Archives: lebanon


Lebanon to Release Statement on National Resistance, Hezbollah Weapons


The Lebanese Army has deployed in the northern city of Tripoli to restore order. Nine people were killed and 68 were wounded during heavy clashes between Sunnis and Alawites that support Hezbollah.


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Four people were killed and more than 50 wounded in heavy fighting between pro-government forces and Alawite supporters of Hezbollah in the northern city of Tripoli. Israel is concerned that Hezbollah’s military power has increased since the 2006 war.


Two Lebanese were killed and 20 wounded in a bomb blast in a predominately Sunni neighborhood in Tripoli. Lebanese troops are deploying to the neighborhood. The US said Syrian troops are still deployed inside Lebanon.


The Army has intervened in Tripoli after clashes between pro-government forces and Hezbollah entered the second day. Eight were killed and 44 were wounded in the fighting. A senior leader in Jund al Sham was wounded in an explosion in Ein al Hilwah.


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Fatah al Islam leader Shaker Abssi lashed out against Sunnis, Hezbollah, and the US, and hinted the al Qaeda-linked group would renew attacks. The Army has reacted to the recent fighting in the Bekaa Valley and elsewhere by conducting raids on targeted individuals.


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Talks between Hezbollah and the government stalled in Doha. Samir Geagea, the leader of the Maronite Christian Lebanese Forces milita said Arab peacekeepers would be needed if talks break down. Fighting broke out between supporters of Fatah and and Jund al Sham in the Ein al Hilwah camp in Sidon.


Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem said the group’s uprising was a “reaction to the government™s decisions” and “the resistance™s weapons are targeting Israel. It is not planning any internal military activity.” The Army denied rumors that officers resigned in protest of the military’s conduct during Hezbollah’s uprising.