Tag Archives: lebanon


Terror cell ‘sought revenge’ for Nahr al-Bared defeat


Lebanese Army arrests terrorists implicated in Tripoli blasts


The US Embassy has reported two US journalists who left to vacation in the north near Tripoli have been missing since Oct. 1. President Michel Sleiman said the Lebanese Armed Forces needed to be equipped with advanced weaponry in order to confront terrorism and preserve the peace in Lebanon.


Israeli general warns Hezbollah of harsh response


Five people were killed and 25 were wounded when a roadside bomb was detonated on a bus carrying Lebanese soldiers north of Tripoli. Four soldiers were killed and 22 were wounded in the attack. The Lebanese Army command said the attack was designed to derail reconciliation between Sunni and Alawi groups in Tripoli.


Officials: Bomb explodes near troops in Lebanon


LAF officer plays down massing of 10,000 Syrian troops on border


Syria: Damascus deploys 10,000 troops, claims Lebanese army


Lebanese Muslims turning backs on suicide bombings


Lebanese Army seizes arms from Islamic faction in Tripoli


Bombs explode in Beirut on eve of ‘national dialogue™

Al Qaeda

Sheikh Omar Bakri: Britain’s Problem – Terrorism by Mujahideen is ‘Blessed’


Twelve acquitted of attempt to kill Hezbollah’s Nasrallah


A reconciliation accord is expected to be signed between Alawites and Sunnis in northern Lebanon’s capital of Tripoli. A UN report reiterated a call for Israel to compensate Lebanon for damage from the 2006 war. Hassan Nasrallah appeared on Iranian television and warned any offensive in the Gaza Strip “will have unclear implications for Zionists.”


Syria accused of plotting return to power in Lebanon


(Lebanon) Nasrallah reaches out to family of slain LAF helicopter plot


Lebanon ruling bloc slams Syrian ‘interference’


Homage to Mugniyah: Hezbollah Exhibit Celebrates War and ‘Martyrs’


Hezbollah handed over a man suspected of firing at a Lebanese Army helicopter in the South, which killed an officer. The judiciary handed over three members of Fatah al Islam suspected of terror activities in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia to Saudi authorities for interrogation.


Government troops overran a Moro Islamic Liberation Front camp run by Commander Bravo, who is wanted for attacking Christian villages and sparking the latest round of fighting. More than 30 MILF fighters were killed, but Bravo is believed to have escaped. The military will not end the hunt for Bravo and Commander Ameril Umbra Kato […]


A bombing at a bus stop frequented by soldiers in Tripoli killed 18 Lebanese and wounded more than 45. Ten soldiers were killed in the attack. The bomb was placed at the bus stop and detonated remotely. A suspect was detained.