Tag Archives: lebanon


2006 Israel-Lebanon war looms large in Pentagon debate on future


Palestinian official killed by car bomb in South Lebanon refugee camp


Hezbollah denies involvement in abduction of Lebanese soldier


Israeli troops launched an artillery salvo into south Lebanon after a Kaytusha rocket was launched into northern Israel. Three Israeli civilians were wounded in the attack. Hezbollah has denied firing the rocket. The Lebanese Army has sent reinforcements to the region.


Avenging Mugniyah – Hezbollah’s retaliation for the death of their commander could drag Lebanon into war


The Lebanese Army arrested seven members of Lebanese Hamas who admited they were behind the Jan. 8 rocket attack into northern Israel. The Army and UNIFIL found a cache of 34 Grad rockets inside two bunkers in southern Lebanon.


No thanks, Sayyed Hassan, Not all Shia want war with Israel


Report: Lebanese army boosts troops along Israel border

The State of Jihad: 2008

LWJ-Globe.jpgThe Long War Journal’s roundup of the major developments in the primary and secondary theaters during the past year.


Lebanese troops found and dismantled eight Grad and Katyusha rockets set up for launch at northern Israel. Un peacekeepers have stepped up patrols on the border with Israel. Syria will open an embassy in Beirut.


The US Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of State for Asia and Near East Affairs said Iran and Syria’s rearming of Hezbollah may lead to another war with Israel that will result in the destruction of Lebanon. A senior Israeli general said Hezbollah would be defeated in five days. Another senior Israeli general said the […]


Fatah al Islam, an al Qaeda linked group operating in Lebanon, said Syrian forces killed Shaker al Abssi, the group’s leader. Abu Mohamad Awad has been named the new leader of the terror group.


Generation Faithful – Hezbollah Seeks to Marshal the Piety of the Young