Tag Archives: lebanon


Lebanon: Ayatollah Fadlallah’s death and the expansion of Iranian hegemony


Baghdad nights glitter again, behind shatterproof glass


An al Qaeda operative named Salah al Karawi criticized Hezbollah for preventing his group from attacking Israel and refraining from carrying out strikes of its own. He warned that al Qaeda may attack Hezbollah, the Lebanese Army, and UN peacekeeping forces in southern Lebanon. Karawi is the number 35 on Saudi Arabia’s 85 most wanted […]


A military court sentenced 20 men to prison terms of up to 15 years for belonging to an al Qaeda cell that plotted attacks against the government and civilians. The men are from Saudi Arabia, Syria, the Palestinian Territories, and Lebanon. Seven men are still on the loose and have been tried and sentenced in […]


Talks on Hezbollah’s weapons have little chance of success – analysts


Iranian official says Hezbollah does not receive orders from Tehran


Increased security checks at US airports slammed as racial profiling


A military prosecutor charged 15 troops with plotting attacks against Lebanese soldiers and having links to al Qaeda-linked Fateh al Islam. “We suspect they were coordinating their acts with a Fatah al Islam ring based in the Ein al Hilwah Palestinian refugee camp,” the prosecutor said.


Analysis: New manifesto reveals a more sophisticated, confident Hizbullah


The Cabinet has granted Hezbollah the right to take up arms against Israel. “[T]he government underscores Lebanon™s right through its people, army and resistance to liberate or regain [authority] of Shebaa Farms, Kfarshouba hills and the occupied part of Ghajar village and defend the country against any aggression,” a Cabinet policy statement reads.


Hezbollah rockets can reach deep into Israel: army chief


Lebanon’s Hariri forms unity government with Hezbollah


Rocket from Lebanon hits Israel; Israel fires back


A Lebanese court convicted six Palestinians, three Lebanese, and two Syrians of having links to al Qaeda and aiding terrorists in entering Iraq from Lebanon. The men were convicted in absentia and given life prison sentences.


Israel installed spy devices after 2006 war: Hezbollah