Tag Archives: lebanon


The Lebanese army launched security operations to open roads and clear gunmen from the streets. The army is trying to suppress violence sparked by the assassination of a prominent intelligence chief. At least seven people were killed in Beirut and Tripoli overnight. The army urged political leaders to show caution.


Protests erupted after the funeral of slain intel chief General Hassan. Mourners stormed the office of Prime Minister Mikati, who is perceived to be too close to the Syrian regime. Opposition groups called for Mikati to resign.


A huge car bomb exploded in central Beirut, killing eight people and injuring 78. Wissam al Hassan, chief of the information branch of Lebanon’s internal security service, was killed. Hassan had led the investigation that implicated Syria and Hezbollah in the assassination of a former prime minister of Lebanon.


Syria conflict deepens sectarian rifts in Lebanon


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Assad ordered killing of Muslim cleric to instigate civil war in Lebanon: leaked files


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General Mohammed Ali Jafari, the commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, said that his force had high-level advisers in Lebanon. Lebanese President Michel Suleiman demanded that Iran explain its statement.


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A Sunni cleric who reportedly led an Islamist militia was shot and killed by a sniper during clashes between Sunnis and Alawites in Tripoli. The government deployed hundreds of soldiers along with tanks to Tripoli to quell the fighting.


In Tripoli, 33 people were wounded in clashes between pro- and anti-Assad supporters. The fighting erupted after a wave of kidnappings of Syrians across Lebanon.