Tag Archives: lebanon


A military prosecutor charged Salafist cleric Sheikh Ahmad Assir and his two sons, along with 34 other people, over recent clashes with the Lebanese army in Sidon. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said it is up to Lebanon to decide on the issue of arms held by Palestinian refugees in camps in Lebanon; Abbas said his […]


US Deputy Secretary of State William Burns condemned Hezbollah’s actions in Syria “in the strongest terms” and said they jeopardized Lebanon as well. He also promised increased US support for the Lebanese Army. Sources say fugitive Sunni leader Sheikh Ahmad Assir was on Hezbollah’s hit list before his followers clashed with the Lebanese Army; the […]


Lebanese forces are searching for radical Salafist cleric Ahmad al-Assir, after clashes near Sidon with his supporters left 17 soldiers dead and more than 100 wounded, including 50 military personnel. The judiciary has issued arrest warrants for Assir and 123 of his followers; dozens of suspected Assir loyalists have been detained. Prime Minister Hariri warned […]


The army overran the compound of Salafist cleric Ahmed Assir, after two days of fighting that left at least 16 soldiers and up to 20 militants dead in Sidon. Assir, a strong critic of Hezbollah, fled and his whereabouts are unknown. All factions called for calm.


Armed Sunni militants attacked a checkpoint in Abra, near Sidon, killing two officers and a soldier and wounding several others. The clash started when the car of radical Sunni Sheikh Ahmad al-Assir, who last week urged supporters to fire on homes of Hezbollah members in Abra, was stopped at the checkpoint. Assir has also urged […]


The army sealed off the area around parliament in Beirut after demonstrations by Sunni protesters. President Suleiman has asked Hezbollah to send its fighters home from Syria, and complained to the United Nations and the Arab League of violations of Lebanese territory by Syrian factions as well as by Israel. A rocket launched from northeast […]


Ten rockets launched from Syria into the Hezbollah stronghold of Hemel killed at least one person and wounded several others. A roadside bomb detonated in the Bekaa valley as two vans carrying Hezbollah fighters to Syria passed by, but there were no casualties.


Analysis: Golan fighting spells more Syria trouble for Israel


Masked gunmen blocked roads and closed shops in Tripoli in protest against Hezbollah’s victory in the Syrian city of Qusayr. The Lebanese military seized an arms warehouse near Bab al-Tabbaneh belonging to Ziad Alouki, who is accused of stirring up sectarian strife by claiming that soldiers stepped on a Koran. Clashes continued between the Sunni […]


Internal probe finds US embassy in Beirut insecure, lacks terror training

Al Qaeda

Analysis: Hezbollah’s Syria victory risks wider Sunni-Shi’ite conflict


Hezbollah fighters killed at least 12 Syrian rebels in an ambush outside Baalbek, in the first clash between the two groups on Lebanese soil. One report said 17 Al Nusrah Front fighters were killed while preparing to launch rockets; another said 14 Free Syrian Army fighters were killed. Hezbollah losses were put at one killed […]