Tag Archives: lebanon


The head of the Lebanese army said his forces are conducting “a total war against terrorism.” The military is chasing a carbombing cell that “aims to provoke sectarian strife by targeting different regions,” he added. Security forces in the Bekaa valley confiscated 10 Grad rockets hidden in a truck that had come from Syria. Marwan […]


Jordan king urges Muslim clerics to fight Syria sectarian strife


Even as War Rages, Economies of Syria and Lebanon Stay Intertwined


Defense Minister Ghosn announced the arrests of a number of suspects, including several Syrians, linked to bomb attacks in Beirut, Hermel, and east Lebanon in recent months, and warned that the country was beginning to fall into the “grip of terrorism.” The leader of Hezbollah claimed that recent bombings in Lebanon are the work of […]


A car bomb struck a complex used by Hezbollah in a Beirut suburb, killing at least 20 people and injuring over 200 more. Shortly after the blast, a video was released by a previously unknown Syrian Sunni group, the Aisha Umm-al Mouemeneen, claiming the attack and warning Hezbollah. The head of Hezbollah claimed that his […]


Iran’s New Defense Minister: Behind the 1983 Attack on the U.S. Marine Corps Barracks in Beirut


Two Turkish airline pilots were kidnapped in Beirut by members of the Zuwwar al-Imam Ali al-Reda, which demanded that nine Lebanese pilgrims kidnapped by Syrian rebels in Aleppo last year be released. Security forces arrested two Palestinians and a Syrian who were headed to the northeastern town of Arsal from Syria; arms and an explosive […]


An Egyptian was killed and his brother and a Syrian man were wounded when a bomb they were preparing detonated prematurely in Mount Lebanon; security forces found maps of three target areas and a basement full of IEDs. Protesters in the border town of Arida attacked a joint Lebanese-Syrian security center, calling for Lebanese forces […]


Lebanon, unlike Iraq, Turkey, and Jordan, is refusing to set up refugee camps for Syrian refugees. Some 620,000 Syrians are currently registered as refugees in Lebanon; most are recent arrivals. The Salafi jihadist influence is said to be spreading in Lebanon, in reaction to Hezbollah’s role in Syria. The UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon denied […]


Ammar Musawi, Hezbollah’s official in charge of international relations, warned that the EU’s decision to blacklist the group’s military wing “will have repercussions.” He also said the group’s political and military aspects are inseparable. Residents of south Lebanon laughed off the EU’s recent move. A Palestinian who served as personal bodyguard to fugitive Salafist cleric […]


A roadside bomb targeting a Hezbollah convoy near the Syrian border killed one Hezbollah fighter and wounded three more. Hezbollah reportedly detained a Syrian man suspected of links to a car bombing in southern Beirut last week that wounded 50 people, and is pursuing two suspected Palestinian accomplices. A rebel group claimed last week’s bombing, […]


A remotely-detonated car bomb exploded in a Hezbollah stronghold in southern Beirut, wounding over 50 people. Local residents blamed Syrian rebels for the attack.