Tag Archives: lebanon


Security forces captured Jamal Daftardar, a.k.a. Mohammad Ahmad al-Masri, a senior Abdullah Azzam Brigades operative who was a candidate to replace recently deceased leader Majid al Majid. A second suspect was killed during the raid, which took place at a residence in the Bekaa valley.


Justice or Peace? Hariri Trial Could Spark Further Unrest in Lebanon


The Abdullah Azzam Brigades confirmed the death of its leader, Majid al Majid; vowed to continue to target Iran and Hezbollah; and threatened attacks against “the Jewish oppressors.” The group claimed that Majid personally oversaw the twin suicide attacks on the Iranian Embassy in Beirut in November. Security forces arrested a Palestinian man linked to […]


Three people, including two soldiers, were injured in an hourlong firefight between soldiers and “mosque security guards” outside a Tripoli mosque. The remains of Abdullah Azzam Brigades leader Majid al Majid were handed over to the Saudi embassy in Beirut, after a committee confirmed that he died of natural causes. A high-ranking US Defense Department […]


A military prosecutor accused five Syrians of membership in the Al Nusrah Front. Security forces arrested Arsal native Hussein al-Hujeiri, who is wanted for kidnappings and attacks on soldiers. The acting state prosecutor said Abdullah Azzam Brigades leader Majid al Majid died of natural causes. Hezbollah reiterated its opposition to the formation of a neutral […]


Majid al Majid, who headed the al Qaeda-linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades, died in a Badaro military hospital where he was receiving kidney dialysis. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham claimed the Jan. 2 suicide bombing of a Hezbollah stronghold in Beirut and threatened further attacks. Unknown assailants set fire to a historic 80,000-volume […]


The army said DNA tests confirmed that the suspect arrested on Dec. 26 is Abdullah Azzam Brigades leader Majid al Majid, and called him one of the “most dangerous wanted men.” Authorities identified the bomber in yesterday’s suicide attack in Beirut as Qotaiba Mohammad al-Satem, a Lebanese man who reportedly had fought alongside the Islamic […]


A car bombing in Beirut killed four people and wounded 77; a Hezbollah official said the attack took place just meters from the party’s political council. Security forces are reportedly taking unprecedented measures after the arrest of Majid al Majid, the leader of the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, which has threatened attacks until Hezbollah withdraws from […]


Defense Minister Ghosn denied confirming the arrest of Majid bin Mohammad al Majid, the leader of the al Qaeda-linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades. Lebanese media has reported that al Majid was arrested in Beirut. A Twitter account belonging to a member of the group who had claimed the Nov. 21 attack on the Iranian Embassy has […]


US sources said reports that Lebanese security forces captured Abdullah Azzam Brigades leader Majid bin Muhammad al-Majids are credible. The leader of the al Qaeda-linked group was reportedly arrested in Lebanon on Dec. 29; one report also alleged he had recently pledged allegiance to the Al Nusrah Front in Syria. The FBI is assisting with […]


Lebanon – In neglected Tripoli, street fighters quietly take control


In its first action against Syrian aircraft since the start of the Syrian war, the Lebanese army fired antiaircraft missiles at two Syrian helicopters that bombed Khirbet Dawud near Arsal. President Sleiman said yesterday that Saudi Arabia has given Lebanon $3 billion to buy military equipment from France for the army; a March 14 official […]


Wary of rockets, IDF beefs up security on Golan Heights


Syria’s civil war tests whether borders drawn less than a century ago will last


A massive car bomb in Beirut killed former Lebanese minister Mohamad Chatah, an opponent of the Assad regime in Syria, along with five other people; many others were wounded in the explosion. President Sleiman deplored the “terrorist crime” that killed a “moderate, pro-dialogue” leader. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called Chatah a “voice for tolerance, diversity, […]


As 2014 dawns, Israel keeps a nervous eye on regional jihadist groups


A group calling itself the “al Nusrah Front in Lebanon” opened a Twitter account on Dec. 24, and published a report of a joint operation by the group and the Marwan Hadid Brigades against Hezbollah “strongholds” in Hermel. Lebanon’s Grand Mufti called on Muslim officials to “save Islam from the aggression of some Muslims against […]


Parliament Speaker Berri warned that terrorist groups are seeking to “turn Lebanon into an arena for jihad.” President Sleiman condemned recent terror attacks in Lebanon and vowed to arrest those behind them, including the masterminds. Six rockets launched from Syria hit the city of Hermel yesterday, wounding two soldiers and a civilian. The rocket attacks […]

State Department designates head of Al Nusrah Front branch in Lebanon

The State Department added Usamah Amin al Shihabi to the list of specially designated global terrorists. Al Shihabi is the head of the Al Nusrah Front’s “Palestinian wing in Lebanon.” Leaked State Department cables reveal that the Jordanians previously accused him of training a terror cell that targeted Americans.