Tag Archives: lebanon


Security forces in Arsal arrested a senior Al Nusrah Front commander, Syrian national Nidal Sweidan, who is linked to terrorist attacks in east Lebanon. Security forces also arrested a man suspected of funding Naim Abbas, a Palestinian accused of involvement in bombings in southern Beirut and membership in both the Al Nusrah Front in Lebanon […]


An Israeli airstrike near the Syrian border on two Hezbollah trucks carrying missiles and a launcher to the group’s warehouses in Lebanon killed four Hezbollah fighters. The army released a photo of the suspected suicide bomber in an attack in Hermel on Feb. 22 that has been claimed by the Al Nusrah Front in Lebanon.


The Al Nusrah Front in Lebanon warned Lebanese military forces to stay out of the group’s conflict with Hezbollah. A military prosecutor filed charges against 21 people accused of membership in a network of al Qaeda-linked groups; only four of the 21 have been detained. Israeli warplanes hit a target in eastern Lebanon near the […]


A suicide car bombing claimed by the Al Nusrah Front in Lebanon killed three people and wounded 17 more near an army post in Hermel; the group has claimed three suicide bombings in Hermel since Jan. 1. Senior Abdullah Azzam Brigades operative Naim Abbas was referred to a judge along with three other suspects, including […]


The pro-Assad Arab Democratic Party issued a 48-hour ultimatum to Lebanese authorities to arrest the killers of Abdel-Rahman Diab, the father of a suspect in the August 2013 twin car bombings in Tripoli. Following Diab’s death, clashes erupted in which two people were killed and five wounded; nearly all schools in Tripoli closed for security […]


The al Qaeda-linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades conducted a double suicide attack at the Iranian Cultural Center in Beirut, killing at least eight people and wounding 128. The group also threatened further attacks against Iran and Hezbollah if their forces are not withdrawn from Syria and jihadists are not freed from Lebanese prisons. The army released […]


Lebanese intelligence has learned that three or four leaders among terrorist groups in the Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp are preparing terror attacks against the Lebanese military in Sidon. An Israeli drone crashed on the Israeli side of the Mays al-Jabal border area. The families of three Wadi Khaled men charged with membership in the […]


A military judge ordered the arrest of four Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham militants for membership in the al Qaeda-linked group and planning attacks in Lebanon. Three of the men are in custody and the fourth, Omar al-Satem, an uncle of the suicide bomber who detonated in Beirut on Jan. 2, is an […]


The head of Hezbollah said the group intends to keep fighting in Syria. Two of three women arrested this week in an explosives-rigged car in the Bekaa valley were released; driver Joumana Hmeid was detained. Security forces near the Baalbek village of Ham dismantled a car rigged with 240 kg of explosives; authorities said the […]


Prime Minister Tammam Salam announced the formation of a 24-member Cabinet, after 10 months of negotiations. The centrist Salam said the new Cabinet achieves sectarian balance; its composition means that rival blocs have veto power. Former prime minister Saad Hariri said Hezbollah’s participation in the Syrian conflict is sabotaging ties between Sunnis and Shiites in […]


A judicial source warned that recent arrests of Naim Abbas and other al Qaeda-linked terrorists have not eliminated the “dozens of … groups created by Al Qaeda and its offshoots, such as the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, the Nusrah Front, and the Jammal Jarrah Brigades.” Authorities charged Nawaf al-Hussein with involvement in the Haret Hreik suicide […]


Security forces in Beirut arrested Naim Abbas, a leader of the al Qaeda-linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades who reportedly has ties to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. His interrogation led to the dismantling of a car bomb in the Afif al-Tibeh neighborhood, where a would-be suicide bomber was also arrested. Security forces in […]


A security source said Lebanese forces are pursuing several suspected Sunni terrorists, and that Syrian airstrikes targeted Al Nusrah Front members yesterday in the Bekaa valley. Residents of the border town of Arsal braced for a flood of refugees from Yabroud as a regime offensive there intensified. Special forces arrested Syrian national Jamil Aziz al-Hasan […]


Authorities dismissed reports that Hezbollah dismantled an alleged Saudi-backed Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham terrorist cell in southern Beirut. Radwan Ayyoush, a defected Syrian army officer who now leads the Free Syrian Army’s Al-Assi Brigades, was arrested over the weekend with another Syrian after entering Lebanon illegally from Syria near Arsal.


Hezbollah’s second in command said the group intends to keep fighting in Syria. He said suicide bombers are targeting both Hezbollah and the Lebanese Army, and that jihadists have been present in Lebanon since before Hezbollah entered the conflict. A Lebanese businessman was released by his captors, who had demanded a $3 million ransom.


Extremists, including Chechens, Egyptians, Tunisians, and Syrians, are reportedly flocking to the large Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp near Sidon from Syria and joining the Abdallah Azzam Brigades’ Ziad Jarrah Brigades, and the Jund al-Sham. Their entry at Arsal is said to have been facilitated by a Palestinian, Mahmoud Mohammad S. His associates are thought to […]


Two suspects in the Feb. 3 suicide bombing of a passenger van were released due to lack of evidence, but a taxi driver who gave the bomber a ride remains in detention. A fourth victim of the Feb. 1 suicide bombing in Hermel died from his injuries.


Caretaker Interior Minister Charbel said the army cannot monitor the movements of a drone seen hovering over the Maarab residence of Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea, because of a lack of radars. Six men, including Sunni cleric Omar Atrash, have been accused of involvement in the Jan. 2 and Jan. 21 suicide bombings in southern […]