Tag Archives: lebanon


One person was killed during protests against the Shiite town of Labweh’s blocking of the main road into the Sunni town of Arsal to shut off Syrian rebel activity. A Syrian worker in Beirut was stabbed to death purportedly “in revenge for Yabroud.” Two soldiers and a civilian were wounded in a firefight in Tripoli […]


The army arrested 21 gunmen, 19 of whom were Syrians, as they tried to enter the country from Syria near Wadi Khaled. Security at the border has been heightened as many Syrian opposition fighters fleeing Yabroud have sought refuge in Lebanon. Four rockets fired from Syria landed in the towns of Nabi Othman and Labweh, […]


A suicide car bomb killed two Hezbollah members and two other people in the Bekaa valley; the attack was claimed by the Al Nusrah Front and The Brigade of Free Sunnis in Baalbek. Syrian military airstrikes targeting rebel fighters in Arsal killed two fighters and wounded 11. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham […]


In Tripoli, 10 people have been killed and 50 wounded in clashes between supporters and opponents of the Assad regime. The army seized bombs and ammunition from a car at a checkpoint in the northern town of Shadra. Rockets fired from Syria hit the towns of Nabi Uthman and Labweh in Hezbollah-dominated areas of east […]


The Israeli army hit a Hezbollah position on the Lebanese border, in retaliation for a bomb attack targeting Israeli soldiers inside occupied territory at the border. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham claimed the attack, however, saying it was against the “Zionist army unit,” in its first claim for attacks against Israel. Hezbollah […]


The army claimed that tightened security measures in recent weeks have resulted in a reduction in car bombings. During clashes in Tripoli between supporters and opponents of the Assad regime in Syria, two people were killed and 18 others were injured. The father of a recently kidnapped 10-year-old boy urged authorities to arrest the suspects, […]


A Pentagon official expressed concern over the rising risk of terrorist attacks on Lebanese state and military targets. The army searched a Syrian refugee camp in Al-Marj in the Bekaa valley for explosives, weapons, and wanted Syrian fugitives. Foreign Minister Bassil asked for Turkey’s help in locating two Syrian bishops kidnapped in April and Samir […]


Five rockets launched from Syria landed in the Nabi Shayt area of the Bekaa valley, injuring four people. Interior Minister al Mashnouq said that Lebanon understands Saudi Arabia’s purpose in designating the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, and the Al Nusrah Front as terrorist groups.


The Army is preparing to fend off further terrorist attacks by the Al Nusrah Front and other jihadist groups, in the wake of recent threats and a European terror assessment warning that diplomatic, military, and governmental sites may be targeted. A judge issued arrest warrants for 12 suspected terrorists from the Al Nusrah Front, the […]


The Al Nusrah Front in Lebanon claimed that Shiite members of the Lebanese Army are fighting in Syria alongside regime forces. The head of General Security said negotiations have resulted in a deal to free 13 Syrian nuns kidnapped last year by rebels. The nuns will be handed over in Arsal and then taken to […]


The Abdullah Azzam Brigades said the killing of civilians in its Feb. 19 suicide attack at the Iranian Cultural Center in Beirut was due to an error. The group also said that its Marwan Hadid Brigades carried out a rocket attack jointly with the Al Nusrah Front in Lebanon in the Hermel area; it is […]


A Danish journalist who was kidnapped in the Bekaa valley a month ago and held hostage in Syria was released. Masked gunmen kidnapped the young son of a prominent businessman in the Bekaa valley.


‘We stop Iranian arms smuggling often,’ says Israeli security source


Hezbollah has reportedly set up a small military airport in Baalbek in the Bekaa valley, from which it is operating Iranian-made Mirsad-1 and Mirsad-2 drones. Russia said it would maintain its “military-technical” cooperation with Lebanese security forces and called on the international community to help create a “barrier” against those who would rekindle sectarian strife. […]


Three rockets were fired into the Bekaa valley village of Nabi Shayth, a Hezbollah stronghold; the Al Nusrah Front in Lebanon claimed the attack as revenge for Hezbollah’s actions in Syria and threatened “unique operations” against it in the future. Syrian jets dropped bombs near an army checkpoint in Arsal. A suspected arsonist started a […]


A Lebanese Army source denied reports that security forces were planning to limit access to south Beirut to seven entry points in order to prevent car bombings. In an attack claimed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, two rockets landed in Labweh in the Bekaa valley. Syrian jets fired five missiles at […]


The Al Nusrah Front launched 12 rockets from Syria into an area near the Baalbek villages of Brital and Hor Taala. Syrian jets fired 12 missiles into the outskirts of Arsal. The army released a photo of a “dangerous wanted” man linked to recent suicide bombings in Lebanon. During a raid near the Beddawi Palestinian […]


Security for Speaker Nahbi Berri was stepped up after reports that senior Abdullah Azzam Brigades commander Sheikh Sirajeddine Zreiqat had tasked Mahmoud Abu Alfa, another Brigades member, with planning a suicide attack on Berri’s residence. Fears of imminent suicide attacks caused the closure of two centers in Beirut where gas canisters are filled. President Sleiman […]


Seven rockets fired from Syria hit the Hezbollah-dominated town of Bital; the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham claimed to have fired three of them. Syrian military rockets hit near Arsal, killing a boy and a young woman and wounding five others. Salafist leaders in Tripoli are fearing a crackdown by Lebanese authorities after […]