Tag Archives: lebanon


Salafist sheikh Dai al Islam al Shahhal warned that “something big will happen” because security forces had seized two cars from his convoy following grenade attacks during security sweeps in Tripoli. Hours later, gunmen ambushed an Army patrol in Akkar, killing two soldiers and wounding a third. Security forces in Tripoli detained two people, said […]


Eight people were killed and 10 injured in clashes between Fatah and Ansar Allah factions in the Mieh Mieh Palestinian refugee camp in Sidon. Security forces in Tripoli arrested two militia leaders in Jabal Mohsen and another in Bab al Tabbaneh, and also confiscated weapons in Jabal Mohsen; security forces also arrested three fugitives in […]


European Islamists including UK-based extremist cleric Anjem Choudary called off a protest planned for Beirut; its aim was to denounce attempts to arrest Sheikh Omar Bakri and Muslims in north Lebanon, condemn alleged “conspiracy” between the Lebanese government and the Assad regime, and call for sharia law and the establishment of the caliphate. Three soldiers […]


In an attack claimed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, three rockets hit two villages linked to Hezbollah in the Bekaa valley. The attack was also claimed by the Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade, which earlier criticized the new security plan for Tripoli. Charges were filed against eight Lebanese men, six of […]


The house of extremist cleric Omar Bakri Mohammad, who has been banned from the UK, was raided during security sweeps in Tripoli that netted 75 arrests. Two rockets ready to launch toward the Shiite town of Nabi Othman, where the Al Nusrah Front in Lebanon carried out a suicide car bombing last month, were found […]


Security forces warned that large numbers of Al Nusrah Front fighters have moved into Lebanon recently and are plotting with other radical groups, some based in the Ain al Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp. Some extremist fighters currently in Akkar are said to be planning to train with the Free Syrian Army in Syria. Arms are […]


The army dismantled a car bomb in Wadi Hmayyed near Arsal. Unknown perpetrators blew up a large building under construction in Akkar, reviving sectarian tensions. Warrants were issued for 200 suspects linked to violence and crime in Tripoli; among those sought are militia leaders in both the Alawite neighborhood of Jabal Mohsen and the Sunni […]


A suicide car bomb detonated near a recently erected military checkpoint outside Arsal, killing three soldiers and wounding four others. The Liwa Ahrar al-Sunna in Baalbek claimed the attack, saying it was to avenge the death of Sami Atrash, a suspected maker of suicide car bombs who was killed after a March 27 shootout with […]


The Army confiscated a large cache of weapons and bomb-making materials during a raid in Akkar. Security forces launched launched raids in Tripoli after masked gunmen killed an Army officer and a policeman in separate attacks. Dai al-Islam al-Shahal, a leading Salafist, urged Sunni youth to defend their rights. Hezbollah is said to be revising […]


Masked gunmen killed an army officer in Tripoli. Suspected car bomb expert Sami Ahmad Atrash died following a shootout in Arsal with police; authorities are conducting raids in Arsal in search of terrorists linked to Atrash. After an Islamic Jihad initiative, Fatah agreed to a memorandum of understanding with Islamists in Lebanon, including Hamas, the […]


The military prosecutor recommended that 21 people be indicted for two car bombings in Tripoli last August; among them are Alawite leader Ali Eid and Tripoli-based preacher Hashem Minqara. Three people were killed in Tripoli in incidents related to the Syrian conflict. Government and military officials convened to discuss ways to improve security and prevent […]


Only a ground offensive will defeat the enemy, says senior IDF source


A Syrian woman in Tripoli and a Lebanese gas station owner in the Bekaa valley both tried to immolate themselves but were saved when bystanders intervened. At least two rockets from Syria landed near Baalbek. About 50 rockets have reportedly been fired this month at Lebanese towns in Hezbollah strongholds.


During a clash in Beirut between Salafists and Hezbollah-linked supporters of the Assad regime in Syria, one person was killed and 15 were wounded. Fugitive Salafist preacher Ahmad al-Assir released a video accusing two Lebanese political blocs of seeking to kill him and suggested that Sunnis defect from the Lebanese army. A Maronite bishop escaped […]


Some 300 Islamist fighters from the Jund al Sham are thought to have fled to Lebanon after Syrian forces captured the Krak des Chevaliers in Homs. As many as 1,000 Lebanese Jund al Sham fighters and their families are said to have survived an ambush near the Bqaiaa crossing in the Wadi Khaled area. Among […]


After the Syrian army’s capture of the Krak des Chevaliers in Homs, a number of rebels have fled into Lebanon, including at least 45 wounded who reached Wadi Khaled and were taken by the Lebanese Red Cross to hospitals in Akkar. Security sources said many of the fleeing fighters were from the Al Nusrah Front. […]


Sniper fire in an Alawite neighborhood in Tripoli killed one person and injured six others, including a child. Sniper fire also caused the closure of a highway between Tripoli and Akkar. Gunmen fired RPGs at an army post in Qibbeh, injuring several soldiers. Two rockets landed in Hermel. The Army deployed to the Sunni town […]