Tag Archives: lebanon


Military intelligence arrested three Syrians and two Lebanese at the Harbata-Labweh checkpoint in the Baalbek region on suspicion of plotting a terrorist act; the five men were reportedly on their way to the Arsal hills with aid for Syrian opposition forces. One of them, Omar al-Satem, was said to be a wanted fugitive; his family […]


Security forces were on high alert over rumors that the Abdullah Azzam Brigades is planning suicide car bomb attacks in Lebanon. Several foreigners lacking proper identification were detained at Beirut’s weekend market, and 26 wanted individuals were arrested yesterday in Majdalya. Authorities released 13 of 17 suspected terrorists arrested yesterday in Beirut. Yesterday’s botched suicide […]


A suicide bomber killed two people and wounded at least 20 others when he was stopped at a checkpoint in the Dahr al-Baidar area of the Bekaa valley. The blast came within 200 feet of the convoy of General Security head Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim, who was unharmed. A Mossad report published today claimed that […]


Uncontrolled arms plague Lebanese communities despite security crackdown


The Army is stepping up patrols along the Syrian border to prevent spillover from the growing conflict in Syria and Iraq. The National Islamic Gathering in Lebanon issued a statement yesterday praising the current conflict in Iraq as a “revolution of the oppressed” and denounced Nouri al Maliki as “the prime minister of Tehran in […]


Hezbollah leader Nasrallah credited Hezbollah’s role in Syria with keeping the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham out of Beirut. Hezbollah forces discovered a tunnel between Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut. At an international conference in Rome, 40 countries pledged logistical support to strengthen the Lebanese Army in its fight against terrorism, but none […]


A Saudi news outlet claimed that Hezbollah is sending more fighters into Syria as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham continues its offensive in Iraq. Gunmen from Syria crossed over into Arsal but fled back across the border when Lebanese forces fired at them. Firefighters in Akkar stopped a blaze from reaching a […]


Shelling by the Syrian Army and Hezbollah reportedly wounded many people in the Bekaa valley village of Tfeil, which sits close to Qalamoun across the border in Syria. Security was stepped up following reports that Abdullah Azzam Brigades sleeper cells are planning attacks in Lebanon.


Security forces arrested six suspected Syrian terrorists in raids near Arsal, including Zaher Abdel-Aziz Ahmad, thought to be a member of the al-Qaeda-linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades. Lebanese leaders are anxious to resolve the governmental deadlock and improve Lebanese security in the wake of the worsening situation in Iraq.


The Al Nusrah Front attacked a Syrian refugee camp in Arsal, killing one Syrian man, injuring another, and kidnapping two more. A military judge is seeking the death penalty for 31 suspected members of the al Qaeda-linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades.


The fight against fundamentalist recruitment of Palestinian youth in Ain al-Hilweh


The Army arrested four wanted suspects in southern Beirut and confiscated military gear and ammunition in their possession; and arrested four men in Hermel after a shootout, seizing rifles, pistols, and RPGs from them. The Army said it had detained 900 people in May, of varying nationalities. A Lebanese media report claimed that the two […]


Syrian gunmen from the Al Nusrah Front killed Khaled al-Mustafa, a Syrian, in Arsal; Al Nusrah members also reportedly kidnapped and killed a 14-year-old Syrian youth in Arsal. It is not clear if there were two murder victims or one. The Army detained 22 people in Tripoli for firing guns in the air to celebrate […]


The Al Nusrah Front detained and tortured three youths in Arsal after accusing them of stealing a motorbike; all three were hospitalized with broken limbs. The military cordoned off an area near a Syrian refugee camp in Akkar after grenades were found. The World Bank has estimated that the Syrian conflict has cost Lebanon over […]


The Interior Ministry asked Syrian refugees in Lebanon to refrain from returning to Syria, and said those who do return after June 1 will risk losing their refugee status. Mahmoud Hayek, a Hezbollah official reportedly killed in Syria, was sentenced in absentia to hard labor and life in prison for trying to assassinate Minister Butros […]


Authorities arrested wanted al Qaeda-linked militant Sheikh Omar Bakri Fustoq in Aley, southwest of Beirut, yesterday. Lebanese media reports said that Mahmoud Hayek, a Hezbollah official who was wanted for a 2012 assassination attempt on Minister Butros Harb, was killed while fighting in Syria. Rockets fired from Syria hit in an area between the Bekaa […]


Military authorities in southern Beirut arrested wanted “global terrorist” Imad Fawzi Ali Saedi, an Iraqi, who confessed to involvement in bombings in Syria and may have been planning attacks in Lebanon. Gunmen attacked an army patrol in the Sunni neighborhood of Bab al-Tabbaneh in Tripoli, wounding eight soldiers and destroying a tank. The patrol had […]


Two Lebanese men were critically wounded when Syrian troops opened fire on them at the Fares crossing in Wadi Khaled. Eight people were wounded in clashes between rival Palestinian groups in the Ain al-Hilweh camp; a “separation force” consisting of members of the Usbat al-Ansar Islamist group and the Islamic Jihadist Movement was formed.


The Army arrested Rabih Abdel-Karim Younes in Hnaider in Akkar, and seized about 6,600 bullets from his van. Police in Arsal arrested an armed Syrian national who was trying to infiltrate into Lebanon. The UN is seeking to establish Syrian refugee camps in Lebanon that are farther from the border.


Masked gunmen shot wanted Fatah official Alaa Ali Hajir in the Ain al Hilweh camp. Four wanted Tripoli militia leaders turned themselves in to the Army; four other militants surrendered to Army intelligence later in the day.


Intelligence agents arrested Arsal residents Hussein al-Hujairi and Hilal Amoun at a checkpoint in Hrabta in the Bekaa valley, and seized their car, which was loaded with weapons and RPGs. A rocket fired from an area near the Syrian border landed in Ain al-Jawzeh in the Bekaa valley; the Free Sunnis of Baalbek brigade claimed […]


Members of the Al Nusrah Front drove from hideouts along the Syrian border to Arsal, where they kidnapped four Syrians. Fighters from Al Nusrah, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, and the Free Syrian Army are thought to be living on the outskirts of Arsal. The Army arrested five people in southern Beirut […]


Security services are investigating reports that T.M.T., a Palestinian in the Al Nusrah Front, is recruiting fighters for terrorist attacks in Lebanon and is in “constant contact” with al Qaeda in Syria, Pakistan, and Iraq; and that Ghazi A., a Lebanese man from Wadi Khaled, is working with Abdel-Mohsen H., a Lebanese explosives expert, to […]


Residents clashed with armed Syrian rebels in Arsal; three Lebanese men were wounded and two others possibly kidnapped. A senior Iranian military official claimed that Lebanon is now Iran’s first line of defense.


Members of the Syrian Sunni militant group Liwaa Ahrar al-Sunna clashed with Hezbollah fighters outside the border town of Brital. Baalbek residents protested Army security sweeps. Authorities detained 49 Syrian and Palestinian refugees who were trying to travel from Syria via Lebanon to another Arab country with false documents. The Army arrested seven wanted persons […]