Tag Archives: lebanon


For the fourth day in a row, rockets were fired from south Lebanon into Israel; Israeli forces retaliated by shelling the source. Lebanese security forces found two rocket launch pads south of Tyre, and arrested a suspect near the Rashidieh refugee camp. The Army is searching for militants who many have entered Lebanon from Syria […]


In a clash between Hezbollah fighters and Syrian rebels near Arsal, one Hezbollah fighter and three Syrians were killed, and at least 10 from each side were wounded. Israeli forces fired flares near Aita al-Shaab after rockets were launched from Lebanon towards Israel. Italian UN peacekeepers briefly arrested journalists covering the rocket launches near Tyre.


The head of Hamas’ International Relations Department claimed that Hamas and Hezbollah have “constant field cooperation and coordination.” Hezbollah has reportedly sent reinforcements to aid Assad regime troops in Damascus. Lebanese forces arrested a member of Jemaah Islamiyah in the Bekaa Valley who allegedly fired rockets at Israel yesterday; three more rockets were launched towards […]


A military judge issued an arrest warrant for B.M., a defector from the Syrian army suspected of membership in the Islamic State who allegedly was recruiting fellow Syrians for suicide attacks against the Assad regime. The suspect, who was arrested on the Beirut-Bekaa highway, had fought with the Islamic Farouq Brigades in Syria. Demonstrators carrying […]


Security sources warned that suicide bombers from the Al Nusrah Front and other extremist groups are preparing to launch attacks, possibly in Shiite and Christian areas. Extremists from Syria infiltrated into Arsal and executed the father of a teenage boy who had been similarly executed in Arsal last month. Would-be Saudi suicide bomber Ali al-Thweni […]


An Al Nusrah Front official in Qalamoun, Syria released a speech claiming that the terror group has penetrated security and has “thousands” of mujahideen inside Lebanon ready to begin battle against Shiite villages; he also promised speedy relief to inmates in Roumieh and other prisons. The military prosecutor charged 28 suspects with membership in the […]


An Omani member of Fatah was sentenced to life in prison. Police searched for a car bomb in Beirut. The Iranian ambassador said his country is willing to help Lebanon fight terrorism. Authorities are seeking to prosecute the operators of an alleged Twitter account of the Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade, which recently threatened attacks […]


A grenade was thrown into a Tripoli bakery that was open during Ramadan fasting hours. A judge called for the death sentence for a Syrian woman who possessed detonators and had passed them on to an accomplice. Security forces are bracing for an attack at Roumieh prison; two inmates have been managing a terror network […]


The Islamic Action Party and other Lebanese Islamist groups and leaders, including Hizb ut-Tahrir, denounced the Islamic State’s recent claim to have formed a caliphate. In north Tripoli, an attacker on a motorcycle threw a grenade into a cafe, wounding four patrons who were eating during the hours of the Ramadan fast; and security forces […]


Patriarchs call on region’s Christians to hold on to their lands


The al Qaeda-linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades called for Hezbollah to withdraw from Syria, dared it to fight in Iraq, and threatened further attacks in Lebanon. Security forces blocked roads to Beirut’s Roumieh prison due to fears that the prison might be attacked. A roadside bomb detonated near an Army patrol in Tripoli. Security forces and […]


The Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade, which has claimed several terror attacks in Lebanon, including last week’s suicide blast at the Duroy Hotel in Beirut, pledged its allegiance to the newly named Islamic State and its caliph, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi. Syrian state media claimed that three explosives-packed cars, including two with Lebanese license plates, […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, which now calls itself the Islamic State, has reportedly appointed Abdul Salam al Ordoni as its emir for Lebanon. Ordoni allegedly has set up a camp near the Turkish-Syrian border to train suicide bombers for attacks in Lebanon, and provided instructions in Istanbul to the ISIS suicide […]


Allawi: US policy toward Iraq ‘without a compass’


Report: ISIS Selling Oil to Finance Terrorist Operations; Army, Security Forces Main Targets in Lebanon


After interrogating two suspected terrorists arrested in Akkar, security forces raided a cave on the outskirts of Fnaydeq in north Lebanon that was being used as a bomb-making workshop, and also seized weapons and ammunition from a residence in the village. Security forces are still looking for suicide bombers and two explosives-packed vehicles. Shiite organizations […]


Obama Administration Deepens US Role in Syria and Iraq


The military prosecutor charged 15 terror suspects, including the head of the Lebanese branch of al Qaeda, Toufik Tah; Abdullah Azzam Brigades’ religious guide Sirajeddine Zuraiqat; and Raed Taleb. The suspects are accused of membership in the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, taking terror training in Syria and in the Ain al Hilweh camp, working with Jund […]


Sirajeddine Zureiqat, a fugitive Lebanese cleric and spokesman for the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, warned that Sunnis in Syria and Lebanon are aiming to strike Hezbollah, and threatened more attacks such as the recent bombings in southern Beirut. Lebanese authorities deported a Frenchman who was on his way to carry out a suicide bombing in Syria […]


A suicide car bombing outside a cafe by a military checkpoint in Beirut wounded 12 people. One report said the bomber was a female who tried to cross the checkpoint but detonated when troops became suspicious of her behavior. Authorities had been looking for two suicide bombers and an explosives-laden truck before the attack. Security […]