Tag Archives: kuwait


In parliamentary elections, the opposition Islamist party won a majority, securing 34 of the 50 seats. The election was held after parliament was dissolved over allegations of corruption in December.


US Plans Post-Iraq Troop Increase in Persian Gulf


In Iraq’s oil-rich south, concerns about the neighbors


Iraq takes over billions in oil revenue set aside by UN

Al Qaeda

What Pakistan’s ISI doesn’t want the world to know about Osama bin Laden’s couriers


A fistfight broke out in parliament after Salafists attacked a Shia lawmaker who called Kuwaitis detained at Guantanamo Bay terrorists. Two Kuwaitis remain at Guantanamo. Abdullah Salih al Ajmi, a former detainee who was released in 2006, carried out a suicide attack in Iraq in 2008.


A fight broke out in a Kuwait City mosque after the imam wanted those in attendance to take part in a ceremony that would commemorate al Qaeda emir Osama bin Laden. Some of the worshipers protested, sparking the clash.


The government will expel “a group of Iranian diplomats” for their alleged involvement with a spy ring in the Gulf country. Three members of the spy ring were serving in the Kuwaiti military and have been sentenced to death. Iran denies its diplomats are involved in spying.


Gulf war, 20 years on: Kuwait emerges from under Iraq’s shadow

Judge finds that Kuwaiti Gitmo detainee was no charity worker

A district judge denied a Kuwaiti Gitmo detainee’s petition for a writ of habeas corpus in September. The detainee, Fayiz al Kandari, claims that he was a mere charity worker, but he was really an influential al Qaeda recruiter with ties to a terror cell that launched an attack on the US Marines in 2002.


Bridging the Gulf: Bahrain’s big experiment with democracy


Kuwait – New labor laws grant women the right – and the flexibility – to work late