Tag Archives: kashmir


Police captured a senior leader of the al Qaeda-backed Harkat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami. Two Indian policemen were killed after insurgents ambushed a patrol in India-occupied Kashmir. A mob from the Indian Popular Youth Front, a wing of the nationalist BJP party, stormed a Nokia showroom after learning the company’s mapping program showed Kashmir as part of Pakistan’s territory.


Top commanders of Hizbul Mujahideen killed in Indian-administered Kashmir


Five Pakistan-based Lashkar, Hizbul insurgents killed in Indian-administered


Indian police killed Bashir Ahmed, also known as Sabha, in Indian-held Kashmir. Sabha was a leader in al Qaeda-linked Harkat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami and is believed to be the masterminded behind the near-simultaneous blasts in courts in three cities in the state of Uttar Pradesh in November 2007.


Pakistan-based Hizbul Mujaheedin nabbed in Kashmir


Indian Army busts three guerrilla hideouts in Kashmir


Seven soldiers and two civilians were killed in a bombing at an Indian army base in Baramula; two soldiers and four terrorists were killed in other ambushes. Lashkar-e-Taiba was involved in an attack on an Indian army battalion headquarters near Srinagar. Two Lashkar-e-Taiba suicide bombers were killed by Indian troops. Police captured a senior Hizbul […]


Eight Pakistani terrorists and two Indian soldiers were killed during clashes. Nine terrorists killed several days ago were plotting to bomb bridges and railroad tracks.


Two Indian army officers and nine terrorists were killed in a clash near Tangmarg, a popular tourist resort. The leader of the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front leader warned of an “intifada” due to the failure of discussions between India and Pakistan.


Two Pakistan-based Hizbul Mujahideen fighters arrested in Kashmir


Two Indian paramilitary personnel killed in blast in Kashmir


One Hizb-ul-Mujahideen commander was killed and another captured during an operation by Indian troops. Three other Hizb-ul- Mujahideen terrorists were killed in separate operations.


A Lashkar-e-Taiba commander and 2 fighters were killed in a raid by Indian forces. The Indian army has found no evidence of an al Qaeda presence in Kashmir.


Rebel Violence Leaves Three Soldiers, Two Militants Dead in Indian Kashmir


Top commander of Lashkar-e-Taiba killed in Jammu-Kashmir


Indian Army guns down three guerrillas across Kashmir


Seven Kashmiri terrorists and 3 Indian troops were killed in a series of skirmishes in Kashmir. The UN has suspended aid programs after “militants” burned down quarters while protesting that women were employed in the UN operations.


Hizbul Mujahideen “commander” killed in encounter in Kashmir


Security forces killed Abu Hamza, a “top” Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist. India is considering Pakistan’s offer to resolve the Kashmir dispute. Terrorism in Kashmir and Jammu has dropped by 40%.


One civilian killed, 10 injured in grenade attack in Indian-administered Kashmir


2 soldiers killed in gunbattle with militants in Kashmir


Indian airports on high alert after hijacking threats from Kashmiri