Tag Archives: jordan


Concerned about events in Iraq, Jordan has reportedly deployed some 40,000 troops along its eastern and northeastern borders with Iraq and Syria to prevent ISIS and Al Nusrah Front fighters from entering Jordan. The State Security Court charged the owner and 13 journalists of the Amman-based Iraqi satellite TV station Al-Abasiya with inciting terrorism.


Authorities dismissed a Free Syrian Army claim that Jordanian soldiers killed a child in an exchange of fire with the FSA. About 2,000 Al Nusrah Front fighters are said to be active in southern Syria near the Golan Heights and Jordan’s northern border, where they operate checkpoints across the Hauran plain. The government said it […]


The organizers of the 20-nation “Eager Lion 2014” military exercise, which is currently underway, said that no Israeli troops are involved and no chemical weapons are being used in the training. About 7,500 US troops are currently in Jordan, of whom 6,000 are engaged in Eager Lion. After several US government personnel were chased by […]

Jailed jihadist ideologue says the ISIS is a ‘deviant organization’

The Al Nusrah Front is promoting a new statement purportedly written by Abu Muhammad al Maqdisi, who denounces the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham (ISIS). Despite being jailed in Jordan, Maqdisi claims to have taken part in the efforts to end the jihadist infighting in Syria. Maqdisi also says he informed al Qaeda head Ayman al Zawahiri of his role.


Belgium, Allies Try to Halt Flow of Young Islamist Fighters to Syria


CIA’s resolve to track weapons complicates push to arm Syria rebels


The state security court sentenced 10 “jihadists” to jail terms of two-and-a-half years each for trying to enter Syria to join radical groups such as the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. Security forces arrested 158 suspects in Maan after the shooting of five gendarmes there last week.


Security forces are looking for 19 suspects in Maan, where clashes with security forces have been ongoing since a man was killed during an attack on police last week. Jordan’s Muslim Brotherhood dismissed three of its members for taking part in the national “Zamzam” initiative, which seeks to promote national unity through dialogue.


Worried about terror attacks at home, Jordan steps up arrests of suspected Syria jihadists


Jordanian authorities reportedly released convicted terrorist Mohamed al Dersi in exchange for Jordanian diplomat Fawaz Al Aytan, who was kidnapped in Libya, presumably by Ansar al Sharia. Al Dersi is said to be already in Libya, but al Aytan has not yet been freed. Authorities are trying to stem the flow of Jordanian jihadists to […]


Jordanian jihadis returning from Syria war rattle US-aligned kingdom


Four Jordanian fighter jets hit and destroyed a number of vehicles entering Jordan from Syria that were believed to be carrying Syrian rebel fighters. Syrian state media said the vehicles were not from its army.