Tag Archives: Israel


Inside Israel’s nuclear wargames


Israel’s red line on Iran: 240 kg


Sudan’s Iran Alliance Under Scrutiny


Sudan: the new battlefield in Iran and Israel’s covert conflict


Israeli jets bomb Sudan missile site in dry run for Iran attack


Israel rattled by rise in anti-Semitic rhetoric from Egypt


Hizbollah debates dropping support for the regime of President Bashar al-Assad

Al Qaeda

Al-Qaida group urges jihad after Gaza leaders is part of jihad against Jews, threaten large-scale retaliation


Sudan: a front for Israel’s proxy war on Sinai jihadis?


Air and rocket attacks between Israel and Hamas subsided after an Egyptian-mediated truce was reached. Six Palestinians were killed and five Israelis wounded in two days of fighting.


Militants launched 60 rockets from Gaza into Israel, hitting several houses and wounding three civilians. Israel responded with airstrikes against the rocket-launching squads, killing four militants, three of whom were members of Hamas. The fighting followed a lull in attacks during the visit to Gaza of the Emir of Qatar earlier in the week.


Israeli air strikes killed two Palestinian militants in northern Gaza. The militants had been firing mortar shells at an Israeli tank.


Israeli troops boarded a ship that tried to break through Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip. The pro-Palestinian activists aboard did not resist. The ship was diverted to an Israeli port.


The US and Israel are preparing a major joint air defense exercise, the largest to date. The exercise will simulate a multifront missile attack against Israel.


For the first time, Palestinian militants in Gaza fired an antiaircraft missile at an Israeli aircraft. The missile may have been looted from Libya. An Islamist group in the Sinai said it would take revenge on Israel for killing five Palestinian militants, including the leader of an al Qaeda-affiliated group, in Gaza over the weekend.

Turkish jihadists eulogize slain German al Qaeda leader

Islamic World, a Turkish jihadist magazine, said that Bekkay Harrach fought against Israeli soldiers in the West Bank, traveled to Iraq, where he was wounded, and was detained by Syrian security forces. Harrach also lived with Atiyah Abd al Rahman in Pakistan.