Tag Archives: Israel

Zawahiri eulogizes Salafi jihadist killed in Gaza

On Thursday, a message from Ayman al Zawahiri eulogizing Abu al Walid al Maqdisi, a founder of the Tawhid and Jihad Group in Jerusalem and a former leader of the Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem, was released to jihadist forums.


UN poised to offer Palestinians ‘non-member observer’ status


Israel and Hamas began talks in Cairo over the details of their truce deal. Gazans started to rebuild smuggling tunnels to Egypt. Israeli defense minister Barak resigned.


Egyptian armed forces deny deployment of US troops in Sinai


Mahmoud Abbas pursues Palestinian UN bid after Gaza conflict


As cyberwarfare heats up, allies turn to US companies for expertise


Israel Hamas conflict: ceasefire a sign of Middle East’s new political reality


For Israel, Gaza Conflict Is Test for an Iran Confrontation


Hamas leaders emerge stronger than ever, Palestinians say


After eight days of violence in Gaza, a truce agreement was reached between Israel and Hamas. Both sides continued to fire up to the 9 p.m. truce deadline, but no major breaches were reported in the hours since. After the truce has held for 24 hours, talks are to begin to address Hamas’s demand that […]


Palestinian Authority sidelined in Hamas-Israel conflict


Turkey, With Anti-Israel Stance, Sidelined as Mideast Broker


5 Reasons Why The Israeli-Palestinian Fighting Is Different This Time


A Hamas official said a truce was imminent in Gaza. However, Israel and Egypt said the announcement was premature and that talks were still in progress. A “calming down” announcement scheduled for 9 p.m. local time did not happen. Israel said it would postpone a ground offensive into Gaza to give diplomatic efforts more time.