Tag Archives: Israel


A new report from the Shin Bet revealed that Palestinian attacks in the West Bank and Jerusalem increased significantly in February. Prime Minister Netanyahu is mulling a series of goodwill gestures towards the Palestinian Authority prior to President Obama’s visit this month.

Hamas terror cell in Hebron exposed

Israeli authorities announced the exposure of another Hamas terror cell in Hebron. The cell was in contact with a Hamas terrorist released in the Gilad Shalit exchange, who had been deported to the Gaza Strip.


Israel’s attempt to reopen the Kerem Shalom crossing, closed last week after rocket fire from Gaza into Israel, was prevented by Hamas. A Hamas terror cell, led by a terrorist released in the Shalit exchange, was exposed by Israeli authorities. Prime Minister Netanyahu said he will discuss the release of Jonathan Pollard with President Obama.


Prime Minister Netanyahu said Iran is using talks with world powers only to stall for time in its pursuit of nuclear weapons. Israel plans to reopen the Kerem Shalom crossing, which it closed following last week’s rocket attack from Gaza. Senior Israeli official Moshe Yaalon reiterated that Israel is closely watching the situation in Syria.


A series of Syrian mortar shells landed in the Golan Heights. Prime Minister Netanyahu was given 14 more days to form a coalition government. Defense Minister Barak is preparing to visit the US, where he will meet with Defense Secretary Hagel and speak before AIPAC.


Prime Minister Netanyahu requested additional time to form his coalition government. President Peres prepared to lobby European governments to designate Hezbollah as a terror organization. IDF Chief Gantz played down the prospect of a third Intifada arising in the near future. Regarding Syria, Gantz warned that when Israel sees “things that can alter the security […]


Israel, Turkey row over Zionism deepens rift between ex-allies


In light of recent Palestinian protests, the IDF held a special training session on riot dispersal. The IDF Home Front Command conducted new defensive tests near Eilat focusing on rocket attacks. A preliminary autopsy revealed that a Palestinian prisoner who recently died in an Israeli prison was not tortured or poisoned.


Has the Third Palestinian Intifada Already Begun?


Israeli authorities discovered an unexploded Syrian tank shell in the Golan Heights. Six Syrians who were being treated in Israeli hospitals for wounds sustained in the Syrian civil war were returned to Syria. According to a senior IDF officer, recent “newspaper headlines are more dramatic than the reality” with regard to the potential for a […]


Stuxnet virus was deployed against Iran as early as 2007, researchers say


Israel sent Turkey messages recently in which officials expressed a desire to create a “positive dynamic” between the two states. Israel’s Missile Defense Organization and the US Missile Defense Agency successfully tested the Arrow 3 interceptor missile.


For Israel’s last military attaché in Tehran, ‘Argo’ is kid stuff


Israel called on the Palestinian Authority to curb ongoing protests and said it was prepared to transfer $100 million in tax revenues. A Palestinian official suggested that it is too late and said the third Intifada is already here.


Israeli officials said they are closely watching the weapons being obtained by Syrian rebels. “The fear is that the same gun used to shoot a Syrian soldier will one day be used to shoot an Israeli soldier,” one official said. In the past four months, Palestinian terror groups have attempted 18 kidnapping plots against Israelis. […]


Tortuous coalition talks may force Israelis back to polls

MSC in Jerusalem official slams arrests by Hamas

An official from the Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem appeared in a new video in which he slams Hamas for its recent arrests of Salafi jihadists in the Gaza Strip. The official warns that the Salafi jihadists will not be deterred no matter the pressure against them.


Cyprus Trial Spurs Call for E.U. to Act Against Hezbollah


President Shimon Peres called on the EU to designate Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. Yesterday a terror suspect in Cyprus admitted conducting reconnaissance work for Hezbollah in Europe. Genie Energy, an American-Israeli company, has been given permission by the Israeli government to begin oil drilling in the Golan Heights.


Israel plans to open a field hospital near the Syrian border to treat those wounded in the Syrian conflict. The IDF announced plans to build an urban warfare training facility in the north of the country that will include some 500 structures. President Obama will receive Israel’s Presidential Medal of Distinction during his upcoming visit […]


Prime Minister Netanyahu is looking to form a broad coalition “to promote an agreement with the Palestinians.” Netanyahu said North Korea’s recent nuclear test shows that “sanctions alone will not stop” Iran’s nuclear program. An Arab-Israeli and two Palestinians were charged with preparing terror attacks during Operation Pillar of Defense.