Tag Archives: Israel

Egypt investigating Hamas ties to Sinai events

Egyptian authorities are looking into Hamas’ ties to a 2012 terror attack that killed 16 Egyptian soldiers as well as the recent discovery of fabrics for military uniforms in a smuggling tunnel between Egypt and Gaza.


Damascus, rebels trade charges on “chemical attack”


The 33rd government of Israel was sworn in. In his address before the Knesset, Prime Minister Netanyahu said “Israel will use any means necessary to prevent weapons from falling into the hands of hostile organizations.” The IDF is planning on moving most of its headquarters from Tel Aviv to mega-bases in the south of the […]


Israel’s new, less experienced security cabinet seems more hawkish on Iran


Israel to ask Obama to use air strikes in case of Syrian missile transfer


Netanyahu’s pick for defense minister cautious on Iran


Israel-Syria Border Becomes Flashpoint


Israeli forces arrested 10 Palestinians linked to a March 15 rock-throwing attack that injured a number of Israeli civilians including an infant. A coalition agreement was signed between Likud Beiteinu, Habayit Hayehudi, and Yesh Atid. The government is expected to be sworn in early next week.


IDF Intelligence Chief: Terror organizations on the rise


Aviv Kochavi, the head of Israel’s Military Intelligence, said there are signs of a “second round of uprisings” in the Middle East. Kochavi also said that more and more jihadist organizations are sprouting up in the Sinai and Syria. With regard to the potential for a third Intifada, Kochavi said: “We estimate there’s no energy […]


Obama tries new tack with Israel, appealing to wary public


Norway admits aid money may have gone to Palestinian murderers


The Big Story Out of Herzliya Might Be About China and Israeli Drones


Two IAF pilots were killed in a helicopter crash believed to have been caused by a technical malfunction. UN peacekeepers previously held by Syrian rebels entered Israel via Jordan. President Peres addressed the European Parliament and called for the designation of Hezbollah as a terror organization.


Outgoing Defense Minister Barak said it will become clear this year whether Iran will continue its nuclear weapons program or rein it in. The commander of the Erez Battalion said there is an increasing prevalence of pipe bombs being thrown at Israeli security forces in the West Bank. Communities near the Gaza border are planting […]


Three scientists questioned the success of Iron Dome and said its intercept rate could be “as low as 5%,” if not lower. The IDF said it is ready for a possible UN pullout from the buffer zone with Syria. The IDF also increased its force presence near the border.


A coalition government is expected to be announced early next week. Palestinians and Israeli security forces clashed near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Eight UN peacekeepers stationed in a buffer zone between Israel and Syria fled their posts and retreated to Israel.


A court in Nazareth convicted two Israeli Arab brothers for helping Hamas plan terror attacks against Israelis. Israel warned its citizens in the Sinai to “leave immediately and return to Israel” in light of a high and concrete terror threat. Israel began a two-week naval exercise with Greece and the US.


Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office denied that Israel is planning “goodwill gestures” toward the Palestinian Authority prior to President Obama’s visit. Authorities arrested a Palestinian youth at the Tapuach Junction who had a knife and a homemade bomb. The Military Police’s Erez Battalion apprehended a suspect or confiscated illegal materials 14,000 times in 2012.