Tag Archives: Israel


Intelligence Minister Steinitz warned that Iran is quickly approaching the red line set by Prime Minister Netanyahu at the UN. Netanyahu said Israeli authorities have thwarted five suicide bombings as well as over 30 abduction attempts by Palestinian terror groups thus far this year.


The Palestinian “Popular Resistance” and Its Built-In Violence


Intelligence Minister Steinitz said Bashar al Assad may prevail in the ongoing civil war in Syria. Former Foreign Minister Lieberman slammed the EU for not yet designating Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. Prime Minister Netanyahu said Palestinian preconditions for negotiations are “an insurmountable obstacle.”


Prime Minister Netanyahu said Iran has increased its cyber efforts against Israel. Hamas and Hezbollah have also tried to conduct cyberattacks against Israel, Netanyahu said. The Navy recently concluded an exercise dealing with maritime terrorism.


Analysis: Golan fighting spells more Syria trouble for Israel

Pillar of Defense versus Cast Lead, 6 months after

In the six months since the end of Operation Pillar of Defense, only 41 rockets and mortars have been fired from Gaza and the Sinai toward Israel. After the earlier Operation Cast Lead, however, over 200 were fired in the six months following the operation.


Defense Minister Ya’alon said that Russia will not supply Syria with S-300 anti-aircraft missiles before 2014. Ya’alon previously said Israel would “know what to do” if they arrived in Syria. Ya’alon also confirmed that Israel is operating a field hospital near the border with Syria.


Israel fast-tracks development of Arrow III defense system over Iran concerns


U.S. warned Europe of Hezbollah operations before terror attacks last year


An Israeli Arab was charged with providing security information to Hezbollah. During a recent meeting Prime Minister Netanyahu reportedly told Russian President Putin that Israel would destroy advance antiaircraft weaponry that Russia may send to Syria in the future.


Iran’s Arak reactor looms into Israeli, Western view


Argentinian prosecutor alleges extensive Iranian terror activity in South America


Defense Minister Ya’alon said that Israel “will know what to do” if Russia sends advanced antiaircraft weaponry to Syria. A high-level military intelligence delegation arrived in Moscow to convince Russia not to send advanced antiaircraft weaponry to Syria. An IDF official warned that Israeli intelligence is seeing the migration of global jihadists from Iraq, Pakistan, […]


Israeli or U.S. Action Against Iran: Who Will Do It If It Must Be Done?