Tag Archives: Israel


Imprisoned, Tortured, Killed: Human Trafficking Thrives on Sinai Peninsula


Israel won’t succeed in confronting Mideast threats without revolutionizing the IDF


A high-level Israeli source warned that Iran’s nuclear weapons program is proceeding at a “murderous pace.” Israel began production at the offshore Tamar gas field, which is believed to hold 9 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. A Syrian wounded in the ongoing Syrian civil war was transferred to an Israeli hospital for treatment.


An IDF commander said that the situation in the West Bank is not yet an intifada, but is certainly an escalation. An IDF general said Israel would be able to withstand a chemical weapons strike from Syria. The Head of the Home Front Command said Hezbollah is capable of launching 5,000 missiles at Tel Aviv […]


Israel’s enemies have put the entire civilian population on the frontline


Turkey and Israel Feel the Effect as Syria’s Civil War Fuels Tensions at Borders


Bulgaria Bus Attack: Berlin Wants Hezbollah On EU Terrorist Group List


Israel reopened its border crossings with Gaza, which it had closed after last week’s rocket fire from Gaza. Israeli authorities arrested over 30 members of Fatah’s Tanzim who were wanted for involvement in terror attacks. Israel established a field hospital near the border with Syria to treat those wounded in the Syrian civil war.

Hamas vehemently denies ties to Rafah attack

Hamas officials continue to harshly condemn reports that suggest the group is tied to last August’s attack on an Egyptian military outpost. Meanwhile, in the West Bank, Palestinian Authority security forces are cracking down on Hamas operatives.


Israel renewed monthly tax transfers to the Palestinian Authority. Israeli air activity over Lebanon has increased in recent weeks. Israel extended its closure of the Kerem Shalom crossing, which began after rocket fire from Gaza last week.


Hackers claimed to have breached the Mossad’s firewall and obtained details on over 34,000 Israeli officials. Israeli forces destroyed a Syrian machine gun nest after gunmen fired from Syria into Israel twice in the past 24 hours. A senior Israeli official said Israel’s recent apology to Turkey did not mean the blockade of Gaza was […]


Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke with Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan for the first time since the May 2010 Gaza flotilla incident. Netanyahu apologized for deaths caused during the incident and noted that there were “operational mistakes.” President Obama concluded his first visit to Israel as president.


Israel-Turkey Strategic Ties Show Signs of Thawing


Amid Obama Visit, Palestinian Authority Cracking Down on Hamas Terror Operatives in West Bank


US, Israel increasingly concerned about construction of Iran’s plutonium-producing reactor


President Obama began his first trip to Israel as President. Defense Secretary Hagel is planning an April visit to Israel. An Israeli official said the US is “very seriously” preparing for a potential attack on Iran. Intelligence Minister Steinitz said it was “apparently clear” that chemical weapons were used in Syria on March 19. The […]


Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon officially assumed his office. Molotov cocktails were thrown at an Israeli bus on a road that President Obama will travel on during his upcoming visit scheduled to begin on March 20. Israeli security sources said chemical weapons were used in Syria.