1 year after Burgas: What do we know?
One year after the Burgas terror attack that killed five Israelis and one Bulgarian national, much is known about the Hezbollah attack, but a few questions remain.
One year after the Burgas terror attack that killed five Israelis and one Bulgarian national, much is known about the Hezbollah attack, but a few questions remain.
One Year On, Bulgaria Still Hunts for Anti-Israeli Bus Bomber
Rapper Bushido causes German government scandal
IDF: Navy stopped boat in December for suspicion of arms smuggling
Israel scratching its head after US officials (again) leak Syria strike
Satellite imagery of the recent purported Israeli strike in Latakia reveals that a number of storage warehouses were struck. At least one of the facilities appears to have been completely destroyed.
IDF chief Gantz said that terrorists “continue to settle down in Sinai and we follow that daily.” Israeli officials believe the EU will soon designate at least Hezbollah’s military wing as a terror group. A former Israeli official said that US leaks regarding Israeli operations against advanced weaponry in Syria are problematic. Israel reportedly approved […]
Israeli Military Invests In Cyber Warfare
Prime Minister Netanyahu told his cabinet that “now, more than ever, it is important to stiffen the economic sanctions and present Iran with a credible military option.” Responding to reports of a recent Israeli strike in Syria, Netanyahu reiterated that Israel has red lines that it is determined to uphold. Muhammad Abed Al Jfar Nasser […]
US officials have confirmed that Israel recently carried out a strike against Yakhont missiles near Latakia, Syria on July 5. This is the fourth reported strike by Israel against Syria since the start of the uprising against Bashar al Assad.
With upheaval in Arab world, IDF facing future of threats unlike any in the past
Authorities denied reports that a rocket from the Gaza Strip landed in southern Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office denied Israel was prepared to release 40 Palestinian prisoners in the hopes of persuading Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to negotiations. Amid upcoming budget cuts, Defense Minister Ya’alon said that “[b]attles of army against the army … are […]
Israel confirmed it recently arrested for security reasons a Palestinian who allegedly disappeared in Egypt in June. Israel is bolstering its forces in the Golan as it has seen Hezbollah recently increasing intelligence operations in the area. The IAF plans to reduce the number of squadrons, due to budget cuts.
Saudi Arabia ‘targeting Iran and Israel with ballistic missiles’
Speculation is swirling that Israel may have recently conducted its fourth strike against advanced weaponry in Syria since the start of the uprising against Bashar al Assad.
A court sentenced an Israeli-Arab to 30 months imprisonment for fighting alongside jihadists in Syria. In response to the explosion in the Hezbollah stronghold of Dahiyeh, Defense Minister Ya’alon said, “There are many explosions in the area.” Ya’alon also rejected claims that Israel was behind a recent explosion at an arms deport in Latakia, Syria. […]
Speculation Swirls Regarding Possible Israeli Link to Syrian Army Base Explosion
Hamas shaken and cautious after Egyptian upheaval
Iran’s Ayatollahs Blame Morsi’s ‘Pro-Israeli, Pro-US’ Stance For Egypt Crisis
IDF on Sinai border: Security coordination with Egypt continues despite political upheaval
Ansar Jerusalem issued a statement today claiming that it fired two rockets toward the southern Israeli city of Eilat yesterday. Rockets were last fired toward Eilat in April by the Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem.
Israel Sees Prospect of a More Reliable Egypt and a Weaker Hamas
Israel relying on Egyptian army to counter Islamists
The Cold War Roots Of Islamist Terrorism
Islamist gunmen stage multiple attacks in Sinai
A Palestinian jihadist made a dubious claim of responsibility for the ongoing wildfires in Arizona, which recently took the lives of 19 firefighters.
Hamas manufacturing rockets capable of reaching central Israel
Authorities announced the arrest of three Palestinians involved in drive-by shooting in March. The Shin Bet released its June report and noted that five rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip toward Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu instructed his ministers to not comment publicly on events in Egypt.
Israel nervously watches Egyptian turmoil
AMIA prosecutor ordered not to present findings to US congress