Tag Archives: Israel


Israeli Intelligence Brushes Off Sensational Spy Account, Emphasize Operational Dangers


South Korea is considering buying Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense battery system. Israeli authorities announced the arrest of two Hamas operatives who were planning kidnapping operations and other terrorist attacks against Israelis. Israel warned the US that Russia plans to provide Syria with S-300 missile batteries.


Prime Minister Netanyahu has reportedly tried to curb settlement construction in the West Bank, in the hopes of helping the US revive peace talks with the Palestinians. Defense Minister Ya’alon said Israel will not allow any transfer of “sophisticated weapons” to Hezbollah. Israel is looking to renew contact with the UN Human Rights Council, after […]


Why Israel’s Interceptors Can Stop Syrian Missiles — And Why It Attacked Anyway


The head of the IDF’s Northern Command said, “There is no need to get into hysterics, everything is calm [in the North], the residents of the north can sleep in peace.” Two mortar shells from Syria landed in the Golan Heights. Israel and Turkey are said to be “close” to completing a compensation deal related […]


Israel’s Red Line Crossed, US Tacitly Backs Ally’s Strikes in Syria


Israeli Attacks on Syria Fuel Debate Over US-Led Airstrikes


Two Iron Dome batteries were deployed to the north of the country and Israeli embassies were put on high alert amid reports that Israel struck multiple targets in Syria recently. Deputy Defense Minister Danon did not confirm the alleged strikes in Syria, but said Israel “is protecting its interests and will continue doing so.” The […]


Syria strike shows Israel’s security burden increasingly borne by air force


Hamas’ Meshaal Says Latest US Peace Efforts ‘Will Fail’


An IDF official stated that while the security situation in the West Bank is “fragile,” he does not expect the outbreak of a third intifada. An Israeli drone operating near the Gaza Strip crashed in Israeli territory due to a “technical failure.” Prime Minister Netanyahu said he would put a peace deal with the Palestinians […]


Israel wary about possibility of U.S. arming Syrian rebels


Prime Minister Netanyahu warned that Israel will be a bi-national state if peace talks with the Palestinians are not renewed. Former Prime Minister Olmert warned that Hezbollah may already possess chemical weapons. France’s Ambassador to Israel said Hamas will remain on the EU’s terror list. Israel partially reopened the Kerem Shalom crossing, which had been […]