Tag Archives: Israel

Pillar of Defense versus Cast Lead, 6 months after

In the six months since the end of Operation Pillar of Defense, only 41 rockets and mortars have been fired from Gaza and the Sinai toward Israel. After the earlier Operation Cast Lead, however, over 200 were fired in the six months following the operation.


Defense Minister Ya’alon said that Russia will not supply Syria with S-300 anti-aircraft missiles before 2014. Ya’alon previously said Israel would “know what to do” if they arrived in Syria. Ya’alon also confirmed that Israel is operating a field hospital near the border with Syria.


Israel fast-tracks development of Arrow III defense system over Iran concerns


U.S. warned Europe of Hezbollah operations before terror attacks last year


An Israeli Arab was charged with providing security information to Hezbollah. During a recent meeting Prime Minister Netanyahu reportedly told Russian President Putin that Israel would destroy advance antiaircraft weaponry that Russia may send to Syria in the future.


Iran’s Arak reactor looms into Israeli, Western view


Argentinian prosecutor alleges extensive Iranian terror activity in South America


Defense Minister Ya’alon said that Israel “will know what to do” if Russia sends advanced antiaircraft weaponry to Syria. A high-level military intelligence delegation arrived in Moscow to convince Russia not to send advanced antiaircraft weaponry to Syria. An IDF official warned that Israeli intelligence is seeing the migration of global jihadists from Iraq, Pakistan, […]


Israeli or U.S. Action Against Iran: Who Will Do It If It Must Be Done?

More Palestinian kidnapping plots thwarted by Israel

Israeli authorities announced the arrest of 14 Palestinian terrorists from two separate terror cells operating near Hebron. One cell, which was tied to Hamas, had nine members and was planning a kidnapping operation. The other cell, affiliated with Palestinian Islamic Jihad, had five members.


In response to fire from Syria, the IDF destroyed a Syrian army position. IDF Chief Gantz warned that Assad “will have to bear the consequences” for continued attacks against Israeli forces in the Golan. Home Front Defense Minister Erdan said it was only a matter of time before missiles are fired at Israel’s major population […]


Palestinian prisoners used forbidden mobile phones to plot terror attacks


Prime Minister Netanyahu said Israel is determined to keep preventing arms shipments from reaching Hezbollah. He also said it is not true that Israel prefers Bashar al Assad over the rebels. In terms of systems sold, Israel is the largest exporter of drones in the world.


The head of the CIA made a surprise trip to Israel to discuss the ongoing turmoil in Syria with Israeli officials. His trip came a day after an Israeli official warned that more strikes may take place against advance weaponry in Syria.


Prime Minister Netanyahu is planning a trip to Moscow soon to convince Russia not to provide Syrian with S-300 missile defense systems. A Palestinian was sentenced to four years in prison for terror-related activities.