Tag Archives: Israel


According to a new poll, 59% of Israeli Arabs say a third intifada is justified. The IDF conducted a military exercise in the Golan Heights. Former Mossad chief Meir Dagan said he does not expect much of a change from Iran following the election of Hassan Rouhani. Israeli security officials said Israel does not share […]


Prime Minister Netanyahu is considering releasing a number of Palestinian prisoners and possibly starting a construction freeze in the West Bank to help restart talks with the Palestinians. Issam Hashem Mashahara, an Israeli-Arab, was convicted of conspiring with Hezbollah.


Officials: Obama’s policy team trying to ‘rein in’ Kerry over pledges to allies, rivals


IDF’s lessons from last Gaza conflict: Buy new tank carriers, train troops away from front lines


Israeli authorities including the IDF and Shin Bet, among others, completed a drill simulating a terror attack by global jihadists at multiple locations in Israel. In response to recent rocket fire by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza, the IAF struck a number of terror sites in Gaza.


The IDF said the number of rock-throwing attacks by Palestinians in the West Bank has decreased significantly in recent weeks due to arrests. At least six rockets were fired toward southern Israel by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza. Israel displayed the David’s Sling missile defense system publicly for the first time.


During a meeting with the EU’s Catherine Ashton, Prime Minister Netanyahu said “it’s hard to see how you cannot have a consensus on Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.” Discussions among EU member states in recent weeks have failed to lead to a consensus on designating Hezbollah as a terror group. The IDF completed a major […]


Authorities announced the arrest of three former Palestinian Authority security force members for the 2011 shooting of an Israeli in Nablus. Defense Minister Ya’alon said the Iranian regime must be forced to decide between nuclear weapons and the regime.


President Peres said the US is right to arm the Syrian opposition. Housing Minister Ariel said Israel has ceased all new housing construction in the West Bank and east Jerusalem to help revive peace talks with the Palestinians. Defense Minister Ya’alon warned that Iran may seek to use the recent presidential election to advance the […]


Prime Minister Netanyahu said Israel will not be “deluding” itself over Hassan Rouhani’s electoral victory in Iran. Israel and the Palestinian Authority agreed to resume economic ties, which had been suspended since November.


Palestine drops bid to register new UNESCO heritage site


Defense Minister Ya’alon praised Egyptian efforts to stem smuggling attempts between Egypt and Gaza. Ya’alon also said that Israeli intervention in the Syrian civil war would be counterproductive. Authorities discovered two Palestinians trying to enter Israel via a tunnel under the security barrier in the West Bank. Israeli authorities fear such tunnels may be used […]


The Gaza border region: “A totally different sector”


Israeli authorities arrested a Palestinian affiliated with Palestinian Islamic Jihad in possession of explosives. While in Poland, Prime Minister Netanyahu said Israel is prepared to do whatever is necessary to prevent a second Holocaust.


The head of the Mossad, Tamir Pardo, recently visited Turkey to meet with the country’s intelligence officials. While in Poland, Prime Minister Netanyahu said that the EU cannot be “indifferent” to the fact that Hezbollah murdered people on European soil. Israeli pilots at a base in the north of the country said they were training […]


Israel accelerates cybersecurity know-how as early as 10th grade


Intelligence Minister Steinitz warned that Iran is quickly approaching the red line set by Prime Minister Netanyahu at the UN. Netanyahu said Israeli authorities have thwarted five suicide bombings as well as over 30 abduction attempts by Palestinian terror groups thus far this year.


The Palestinian “Popular Resistance” and Its Built-In Violence


Intelligence Minister Steinitz said Bashar al Assad may prevail in the ongoing civil war in Syria. Former Foreign Minister Lieberman slammed the EU for not yet designating Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. Prime Minister Netanyahu said Palestinian preconditions for negotiations are “an insurmountable obstacle.”


Prime Minister Netanyahu said Iran has increased its cyber efforts against Israel. Hamas and Hezbollah have also tried to conduct cyberattacks against Israel, Netanyahu said. The Navy recently concluded an exercise dealing with maritime terrorism.


Analysis: Golan fighting spells more Syria trouble for Israel