Tag Archives: Israel


The cabinet approved a plan to see any peace deal with the Palestinians put to a referendum. The cabinet also approved the staged release of 104 Palestinian prisoners. Shin Bet chief Yoram Cohen warned that a release of such high-profile terrorists was risky. Cohen also said that peace talks would improve security on the ground. […]


Prime Minister Netanyahu said Israel was prepared to release 104 Palestinian prisoners over a period of nine months should negotiations with the Palestinians progress. Netanyahu, who has previously denounced prisoner releases, said sometimes a leader must make unpopular choices “when the issue is important for the country.”


A senior Israeli minister said the government is prepared to make serious territorial concessions in negotiations with the Palestinians. President Peres said the EU’s decision to designate only the ‘military wing’ of Hezbollah was “hypocrisy.” A missing Arab Israeli is suspected of joining the Syrian rebels to fight the Assad regime.


Israeli media revealed that in 2008 authorities tried to capture former Hamas military chief Ahmed Jabari but failed. Jabari was killed in an airstrike by the IAF in November 2012 at the start of Operation Pillar of Defense. Talks between Israeli and Palestinian officials are expected to resume on Tuesday in Washington. Authorities arrested a […]


Israeli officials will begin sharing intelligence information with their European counterparts to help them enforce the recent designation of Hezbollah’s military wing. Israel said the focus will be on providing countries such as Germany, France, and Spain with information regarding Hezbollah operations inside their borders. Israeli officials recently complained about leaks from the Pentagon regarding […]


Authorities filed an indictment against two sisters of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. Defense Minister Ya’alon said authorities have increased deployment and rocket defenses near the border with Egypt. The Home Front Command conducted a simulation of a chemical missile attack on Tel Aviv. The director of military intelligence, Aviv Kochavi, said the situation in Syria […]


Authorities have taken a number of steps to help protect Eilat-bound planes from being targeted by jihadists operating in the Sinai Peninsula. Israeli officials welcomed the EU’s decision to designate the military wing of Hezbollah as a terror organization. Senior foreign ministry officials said the chance of a permanent settlement with the Palestinians is unlikely.

EU adds Hezbollah’s military wing to terror list

European Union foreign ministers today reached a unanimous decision to designate the military wing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. In the past, the terror group has denied that Hezbollah has separate political and military wings.


US Deputy Secretary of Defense Carter traveled to Israel to meet with senior Israeli officials, including Defense Minister Ya’alon. His visit comes at the start of a bilateral aerial exercise between the IDF and EUCOM. The foreign ministry opened a virtual embassy to reach out to residents of Gulf nations. Prime Minister Netanyahu said the […]


Prime Minister Netanyahu welcomed Secretary of State Kerry’s announcement regarding a potential resumption of peace talks with the Palestinians. Minister for intelligence and strategic affairs Steinitz said Israel will likely release a number of Palestinian prisoners if the Palestinian leaderships takes negotiations seriously. A delegation of senior IDF officers left for the US, where they […]


Authorities filed an indictment against a Palestinian, who is believed to have fought with Fatah’s al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Hamas’ al Aqsa Defenders, on a number of security charges. An Iron Dome missile defense battery was deployed near Eilat out of fear of potential rocket attacks from the Sinai. An Israeli […]


Islamists Blamed for Uptick in Sinai Violence After Morsi’s Ouster


Israel is reportedly preparing a number of “peace gestures” to encourage the Palestinian leadership to return to negotiations. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office denied reports that Israel had accepted a plan to use the 1967 borders as a basis for the resumption of peace talks. Military Intelligence Chief Aviv Kochavi is in the US for talks […]


IDF: Navy stopped boat in December for suspicion of arms smuggling


Israel scratching its head after US officials (again) leak Syria strike


IDF chief Gantz said that terrorists “continue to settle down in Sinai and we follow that daily.” Israeli officials believe the EU will soon designate at least Hezbollah’s military wing as a terror group. A former Israeli official said that US leaks regarding Israeli operations against advanced weaponry in Syria are problematic. Israel reportedly approved […]


Prime Minister Netanyahu told his cabinet that “now, more than ever, it is important to stiffen the economic sanctions and present Iran with a credible military option.” Responding to reports of a recent Israeli strike in Syria, Netanyahu reiterated that Israel has red lines that it is determined to uphold. Muhammad Abed Al Jfar Nasser […]