Tag Archives: Israel


Jordan Asks for Assistance in Securing Syrian Border


In response to rocket fire from the Gaza Strip, the IDF struck a number of concealed rocket launchers in the area. On the eve of renewed negotiations with the Palestinians, Israel released 26 Palestinian prisoners. Defense Minister Ya’alon accused Iran of being “involved in every conflict in this region.”


Palestinian kids taught to hate Israel in UN-funded camps, clip shows


Israel and Egypt showing strong security cooperation


Authorities announced the names of 26 Palestinian prisoners set to be released as part of an agreement to restart peace talks with the Palestinians. Former Defense Minister Ehud Barak said he is optimistic about the coming talks. With regard to Iran, Barak said the regime should understand that Israel means what it says.

Al Qaeda

Insight: Sinai air strike shows hair-trigger Israel-Egypt security ties


Prime Minister Netanyahu recently sent a letter to Secretary of State Kerry complaining of incitement by the Palestinian leadership. Responding to reports that an Israeli drone struck a number of jihadists in the Sinai, Defense Minister Ya’alon said Israel will not allow “rumors” to harm the peace treaty with Egypt.


The IDF ordered the closure of Eilat airport for a number of hours as a result of security concerns. Authorities have previously expressed concern that jihadists may try to target planes landing and taking off from the airport. Negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians are expected to resume on Aug. 14 in Jerusalem. US Air […]

MSC in Jerusalem praises slain member in new video

Hithem Ziad Ibrahim Masshal ITMC Poster - Journey of Martyrdom.jpgA new video praising Hithem Ziad Ibrahim Masshal, a well-known jihadist in the Gaza Strip, was released by the Ibn Taymiyyah Media Center to jihadist forums. Masshal, who was killed in April by the Israeli Air Force, is celebrated for his role in supporting jihadist groups in Gaza.


Prime Minister Netanyahu warned that Iran is accelerating its uranium enrichment efforts. Former IDF intelligence chief Amos Yadlin said US opposition to an Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear program has moved from a red light to a yellow light. Four IDF soldiers were injured as a result of an explosion along the border with Lebanon.


Across Forbidden Border, Doctors in Israel Quietly Tend to Syria’s Wounded


Nigeria: Kano Arms Cache – ‘Lebanese Suspects Knew About Bunker’


Authorities filed an indictment against a member of the anti-Zionist Neturei Karta sect who had offered to spy for Iran. Prime Minister Netanyahu praised the latest round of Iran sanctions passed by the US House of Representatives. The head of the IDF’s Northern Command said Hezbollah is better armed and trained than it was in […]


John Kerry’s Years of Quiet Diplomacy Helped Forge Path to Peace Talks