Tag Archives: Israel


The Mossad’s secret war on the Syrian WMD machine.


The family of an Israeli Arab recently killed in Syria said it is likely their son was fighting with an al Qaeda group. A top Israeli general said that Assad “will stay on for years … though he deserves to pass from this world, and the quicker that happens, the better.” A former Israeli commander […]


Israel’s chemical and biological arsenal in the spotlight


Prime Minister Netanyahu is expected to meet with President Obama in Washington for talks that will likely center on Iran’s nuclear program. The outgoing Israeli ambassador to the US said Israel has “always wanted Bashar Assad to go.” At least 22 communities near the country’s northern and southern borders will no longer receive army security […]


Secretary of State Kerry met with Israeli officials to discuss the latest developments related to Syria. Prime Minister Netanyahu said he hopes that the US-Russia deal on Syria’s chemical weapons will result in their “complete destruction.” Israel and the Palestinian Authority agreed to resume agricultural cooperation that has been frozen for 13 years.


A top Israeli intelligence official said Israel has been “absolutely certain” for many months that the Assad regime has been using chemical weapons in Syria. A new report suggests that Iran ceased its production of nuclear warheads in 2004.


Egypt army in major push to eradicate Sinai militants


Charges were filed against Hamas operative Hamdi Romana, who was linked to the recent terror plot aimed at bombing a Jerusalem mall. Israeli officials reiterated that Israel has no plans on ratifying the Chemical Weapons Convention before their neighbors.


Three Palestinians were convicted of trying to set up a Hamas infrastructure in Jerusalem. Prime Minister Netanyahu said the Syrian regime must be stripped of its chemical weapons. An Israeli official reportedly traveled to Cairo to discuss the situation in the Sinai with Egyptian officials. Israeli officials reiterated that the country is prepared to strike […]


US Backing of Russian Plan Leaves a Wary Israel Focusing on Self-Reliance


NSA shares raw intelligence including Americans’ data with Israel


El Al has reportedly cancelled a number of its daytime flights landing at Eilat’s airport due to concerns regarding terror threats from the Sinai. Israeli officials voiced skepticism over the idea that Syria would relinquish its chemical weapons stockpiles to international control. An IDF official warned that terror attacks in the West Bank are becoming […]


1967 Border Is a Source of Strain in the Israeli-Palestinian Talks


An Israeli official said the country would get advance notification of US raids on Syria. An Iron Dome missile defense battery was deployed near Jerusalem. A senior Israeli official said Egyptian authorities were currently waging their first serious fight against terror in the Sinai. Israeli officials complained to the US that Palestinian officials were leaking […]


As Syria deteriorates, neighbors fear bioweapons threat


IDF data suggests that at least 300 attacks have been waged against Egyptian security personnel and installations in recent weeks. Authorities arrested 15 Palestinians who clashed with security forces on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Defense Minister Ya’alon reportedly said settlement evacuations are not part of current talks with the Palestinians.


Authorities arrested Sheikh Raed Salah, the head of the Islamic Movement’s Northern Branch, for incitement. The Ministry of Defense announced that a successful missile test was completed with US aid in the Mediterranean Sea. An IDF patrol uncovered an IED along the border with Gaza.


The Shin Bet released its August terrorism report, which noted that five rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip and Sinai towards Israel. A roadside bomb near the border with Gaza targeted an IDF patrol, the second such incident in the past week. Authorities arrested seven terror suspects and seized illegal weaponry during raids in […]

Al Qaeda

Insight: As Obama blinks on Syria, Israel, Saudis make common cause


Authorities announced that they had foiled a Hamas terror plot aimed at a Jerusalem mall. Most of the reserve soldiers recently called up in preparation for possible strikes in retaliation for Western strikes in Syria were sent home. Prime Minister Netanyahu called on government ministers not to publicly respond to President Obama’s decision to request […]