Tag Archives: Israel


Israel Air Force Plan Shoots for 10-Fold Boost in Bombs on Target


Rice Offers a More Modest Strategy for Mideast


A makeshift grenade was thrown at an Israeli school bus traveling in the West Bank. The IDF would not confirm reports that a Hamas drone plot in the West Bank had been foiled. Israel denied that it was behind a hacking attempt on former French President Nicolas Sarkozy.


Out in the West Bank with a dead terrorist and a park director


Authorities are preparing to hand over the bodies of 36 Palestinian terrorists to the Palestinian Authority. Over two dozen Palestinian prisoners will be released by Israel in the coming days as part of ongoing peace talks with the Palestinians. Authorities seized 14,000 crowd dispersal weapons that an importer allegedly sought to sell to the PA.


Rift widens on Iranian nuclear deal as Israel, Arabs warn against allowing enrichment


Amos Yadlin on Iran Strike: Why Israel Needs to Act Soon


The Air Force reportedly struck a shipment of advanced weapons destined for Hezbollah; the IDF refused to comment on the report. Defense Minister Ya’alon said Israel is adhering to its red lines when it comes to the transfer of weapons from Syria, and that Hezbollah has not received any chemical weapons from Syria.


U.S., Israel differ over how to resolve Iran nuclear issue


In Egypt, jihadist group Bayt al-Maqdis claims responsibility for bombing


Sinai Security: Opportunities for Unlikely Cooperation Among Egypt, Israel, and Hamas


Israeli forces killed a wanted Palestinian terrorist suspected of being involved in the November 2012 Tel Aviv bus bombing, which Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad have both claimed. Israeli and Palestinian negotiators held another round of peace talks with a focus on water-related issues. A number of Druze citizens of Israel have reportedly traveled to […]


Former Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin warned that the current conditions are an opportune time for “the Palestinian masses to rise up.” A resident of Jerusalem was sentenced to three and a half years in jail for agreeing to spy on Israel for Hezbollah. IDF forces discovered an explosive device near the border with Gaza. […]


Inside Israel’s Frenemy Diplomacy With Turkey


An IDF force near the border with Gaza was fired upon by Palestinians. Prime Minister Netanyahu warned against the implementation of a partial deal related to Iran’s nuclear program. A court ordered the continued remand of a suspected IRGC operative.


Tunnel discovery serves as a reminder of Gaza’s terror industry


An Israeli official said reconciliation talks with Turkey are “completely stuck.” An IDF official said there is currently “an atmosphere that creates motivation to carry out terror attacks.” Israel is reportedly considering striking long-range missiles held by Hezbollah in the Bekaa Valley. The IDF has been warning Palestinians in Gaza via phone messages against aiding […]


How Hamas dug its Gaza ‘terror tunnel,’ and how the IDF found it


Responding to allegations that Turkey blew the cover of a number of Mossad contacts in Iran, former Mossad chief Danny Yatom said the move, if true, was an act of betrayal. US ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro said the recently discovered terror tunnels from Gaza into Israel were “simply shocking.” A Palestinian who tried to […]


Turkey blows Israel’s cover for Iranian spy ring


Israel, Arab states work together to battle Iran’s nuclear plan