Tag Archives: Israel


In response to a sniper attack from Gaza that killed one Israeli civilian, the Israeli Air Force struck a number of terror sites in the Gaza Strip. Defense Minister Ya’alon said that if there is no peace in Israel then there will be no peace in Gaza. Israeli officials said they are working with their […]


A bomb exploded on a bus near Tel Aviv; authorities said it was an attempted terror attack. The attack was praised by Palestinian terror groups, but not officially claimed. Amidst reports that the US spies on Israeli leaders, officials called for the release of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard. The IDF is looking into whether recent […]


Hamas is alive and kicking in the West Bank – but in remote control


Israeli officials said Egyptian military operations in North Sinai will continue for at least the next several months. Two Palestinians were killed during overnight clashes with Israeli forces in the West Bank. President Peres said the world must continue to pressure Iran. Foreign Minister Lieberman said Israel is serious about reaching an agreement with the […]


Hamas, Israel develop unwritten understanding for coexistence


Israel opts for restraint in face of Lebanese provocation


An IDF soldier was shot and killed by a sniper in the Lebanese army. The IDF said it believes the sniper carried out the attack on “his own accord.” White House officials recently briefed their Israeli counterparts regarding the nuclear deal reached with Iran last month.


A court indicted the Palestinian teen responsible for the murder of an IDF soldier last month. The IDF plans to cut the number of people allowed to complete their military service in non-IDF agencies. Israeli and Palestinian officials plan to increase coordination related to civilian emergencies.


A senior IDF official said there is no possibility that forces will completely withdraw from the Jordan Valley. Defense Minister Ya’alon charged that every Iranian embassy in the world is a base for terrorism. The IDF will soon deploy a new satellite system aimed at increasing real-time observation capabilities. Officials estimate that Hezbollah possesses 5,000 […]


Is Salafist Jihadism Making Inroads into the Israeli-Palestinian Arena?


Germany is expected to sell two destroyers to Israel to help protect the country’s gas fields. President Shimon Peres said he would be willing to meet his Iranian counterpart. Defense Minister Ya’alon said there is currently no partner for peace. With regard to the recent targeting of an IDF patrol near Syria, Ya’alon warned those […]


An IDF patrol vehicle was damaged as a result of an explosion near the Syria border. A resident of Majdal Shams was indicted for providing Syrian intelligence with details on IDF patrols. An IDF official said the situation in the city of Hebron was getting quieter. Peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians are expected […]


Prime Minister Netanyahu met with Secretary of State Kerry to discuss the Iranian nuclear program and negotiations with the Palestinians. Authorities were on high alert over fears that Hezbollah may seek to carry out an attack following the recent murder of a senior commander. A criminal investigation will be opened against any IDF soldier entering […]


Inside the Mossad’s campaign to off its most dangerous foes, one by one


Authorities completed the construction of the Israel-Egypt border fence. Officials denied involvement in the killing of a Hezbollah commander near Beirut. Authorities will soon hold a simulation of a chemical weapons attack by a suicide bomber.


US, Stepping Up Role, Will Present West Bank Security Proposal to Israel


Defense Minister Ya’alon announced that Israel was providing some humanitarian aid to civilians in Syria near the border with Israel. He also said relations with the US remain “excellent.” An IDF source said a recent attack on an IDF patrol near the border with Syria “was not stray fire.” Officials have noticed an increase in […]


An IDF patrol near the border with Syria came under fire. The Navy was placed on high alert to deal with a group of ships planning to break the blockade of Gaza. Israel announced plans to renew providing building material to the Gaza Strip, which had been suspended following the discovery of a Hamas terror […]


Iran Nuclear Deal Raises Fears of Proliferation Among Arab States


IDF’s Druse battalion prepares for its next clash with Hezbollah


Authorities arrested a number of people tied to members of the Salafi jihadist cell killed by the IDF near Hebron. Israeli intelligence estimates that Israel’s current geostrategic position has improved in the past year. Five Israeli Arabs were charged for attacking an IDF base with firebombs. The IDF said Palestinian terror groups are continuing their […]


New breed of radical Islamists in West Bank worries Israel, PA


Israel faces new power in West Bank: Growing Salafist group with Al-Qaida leanings