Tag Archives: Israel


Pope Francis prays at Bethlehem wall, calls for Middle East peace


Legacy of Hamas-Fatah Killings Complicates Palestinian Unity Efforts


Tunisia’s Minister of Tourism Questioned Over Israeli Visitor Policy


Palestinian deal will not make Hamas change: veteran leader


Israeli intelligence: Assad concealing chemical capability


Israeli unit against terror-financing fighting new enemies at a new speed


In response to rocket fire from the Gaza Strip, the IAF struck a number of terror sites in the Hamas-run territory. The Yahya Ayyash Brigades said that it was responsible for the rocket fire.


Port dubbed ‘Cathedral of the Mafia’ to host transfer of Syria chemical weapons


Authorities announced the arrest of six east Jerusalem lawyers who were acting as couriers for Palestinian militants in Gaza seeking to communicate with their counterparts in Israeli jails. Israeli officials denounced the PLO for applying for accession to 15 international conventions.


Terror Suit Against Jordanian Bank Tests US Diplomacy and Secrecy Laws


Converging Interests May Lead to Cooperation Between Israel and Gulf States


The IDF opened fire on two purportedly armed individuals trying to tamper with border infrastructure along the border with Syria. The two suspects were reportedly killed. A planned release of Palestinian prisoners was delayed and may not occur.


Only a ground offensive will defeat the enemy, says senior IDF source


Doubts surface on Gaza destination of rockets seized by Israel


Authorities announced the arrest of two separate terror cells, one of which is linked to the PFLP, in the West Bank. The IDF increased its state of alert in the West Bank following the recent killing of three Palestinian militants. Israeli forces fired on two people trying to infiltrate into Israel via Egypt.


Hamas rally in Gaza takes aim at Egypt, Israel and Abbas


The IDF announced the discovery of another terror tunnel from Gaza into Israel. Hamas said the tunnel was old and previously discovered. US senators said talks are underway with Israel to work on a new defense aid package. A top IDF official warned that the next major conflict between Israel and Hezbollah will also involve […]


IDF Chief Benny Gantz said that if necessary Israel can carry out operations in Iran. The IDF was recently instructed to continue budgeting for a potential strike against Iran’s illicit nuclear program. Defense Minister Ya’alon apologized to Secretary of Defense Hagel for his recent comments regarding US policies in the Middle East.


Four soldiers were wounded by an IED along the border with Syria. The IDF struck at least one Syrian military target with artillery fire in response. Defense Minister Ya’alon reportedly said that he would be in favor of a military strike against Iran’s nuclear program.