Tag Archives: Islamic State


Revealed: the Islamic State ‘cabinet’, from finance minister to suicide bomb deployer


In Iraq, death toll rises among Shiite recruits battling insurgency

Social Media Jihad: Zawahiri on how to build an Islamic state

Sanafi al Nasr, a senior al Qaeda operative, reposted part of a message from Ayman al Zawahiri that was released in January. The excerpt deals with how al Qaeda thinks an Islamic State should be built. It is intended as a rebuttal to the Islamic State’s announced caliphate, which al Qaeda still has not officially addressed.


Bruised Iraqi army leans on Shi’ite militias, volunteers

Islamic State

Islamic State militants on offensive against Kurds in northern Syria near Turkish border


Exclusive: Iraq tells UN that ‘terrorist groups’ seized nuclear materials

AQAP praises Ayman al Zawahiri, defends jihadist scholars against ‘slander’

Nasir al Wuhayshi, who is the emir of AQAP as well as al Qaeda’s general manager, has released a poem praising Ayman al Zawahiri as the “Sheikh father.” A video from two leading AQAP ideologues decrying the “slander” of jihadist leaders was released shortly afterwards. Al Qaeda members are trumpeting the messages as rebuttals to the Islamic State and its newly announced caliphate.


Jihadists demolish Sunni and Shiite mosques and shrines in Mosul


In Iraq, Islamic State jihadists destroy ancient mosques, shrines

Al Qaeda

How a talented footballer became world’s most wanted man, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi