Tag Archives: Islamic State


The Turkmen City of Amirli in Iraq Under Siege by Islamic State


US Identifies Citizens Joining Rebels in Syria, Including ISIS

Ansar Jerusalem beheads 4 Egyptians accused of being Israeli ‘spies’

A little more than one week after the Islamic State released a video featuring the beheading of an American photojournalist, Ansar Jerusalem has released a video online showing four Egyptian civilians being executed in the same manner. The video marks an escalation in the tactics Ansar Jerusalem is willing to broadcast in its propaganda.


US air strikes on Syria would face formidable obstacles


Indian Muslim Said to Have Joined ISIS Is Reported Dead


In wake of James Foley’s murder, does Britain have a jihadi problem?

Al Qaeda

Australia: Terrifying legacy emerges from success of Operation Pendennis


US seeks coalition against Islamic State, but military partners no sure bet


UN Rights Chief Accuses IS Jihadists of ‘Ethnic Cleansing’


US prepares military options in Syria against Islamic State