Tag Archives: Islamic State


Jordan to execute jailed would-be bomber, jihadists


Canadian police arrest man, charge him with aiding Islamic State

Ansar al Sharia photos focus on governance efforts near Benghazi

Ansar al Sharia Libya released a set of propaganda photos in late January that are intended to demonstrate the group’s authority over areas in and around Benghazi. The photos purportedly show a police station and a convoy of security vehicles under the group’s control. However, forces loyal to General Haftar also claim to control much of the city.


US, allies plan tough battle to retake Iraqi city from Islamic State

Al Qaeda sharia officials address Caucasus defectors in joint statement

Sharia officials from both Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and the Al Nusrah Front, two official branches of al Qaeda, have signed a statement saying that the Islamic State’s ‘caliphate’ is invalid. The statement is addressed to the Caucasus jihadists who announced their allegiance to Abu Bakr al Baghdadi in December.


Islamic State purportedly sets new deadline for hostage swap


Jordan proposes prisoner swap, fate of Japanese Islamic State hostage unclear

Islamic State

Kurdish defenders say Islamic State has retreated from Syrian border town of Kobane


Canadian soldiers involved in 2 more firefights in Iraq


Japan condemns IS execution, demands remaining hostage release


Japan condemns apparent Islamic State execution, demands release of remaining hostage


In Mosul, Islamic State turns captured city into fortress

Ex-Gitmo detainee leads contingent of Islamic State fighters in Afghanistan

Mullah Raouf Khadim, an ex-Guantanamo detainee, leads a contingent of fighters loyal to the Islamic State in Helmand, Afghanistan. Raouf and another top Taliban commander were previously forced out of their positions in the Taliban’s hierarchy. According to a leaked threat assessment, the jihadist had ties to at least two members of the so-called “Taliban Five.”


US-returned techie held in India for planning to join ISIS


Malaysian man who ‘used Australia as step-off point for sending fighters to join ISIS terrorists in Syria’ arrested after being deported