Tag Archives: Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan

‘Devout Muslim’ kills two US airmen in Germany

According to The Associated Press, a “devout Muslim” man shot and killed two US airmen today at an airport terminal in Frankfurt, Germany. The gunman, who appears to be named Arid Uka and was born in either Kosovo or Germany, boarded a bus that carried a group of airmen who had just arrived at the […]

ISAF targets another IMU leader in Takhar

ISAF continues to pursue the leaders of the al Qaeda-linked Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan in the northern Afghan province of Takhar: In Takhar province, Afghan and coalition forces detained two insurgents and killed several armed combatants during their search for a high-ranking Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan senior leader. The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader specializes […]

More on the death of Bekkay Harrach

Bekkay Harrach, who is also known as Al Hafidh Abu Talha al Almani, in an al Qaeda propaganda video. In the Comments section of the LWJ report on the death of al Qaeda/Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader Bekkay Harrach, some readers speculated that the IMU is being deliberately misleading about how he died (the IMU […]

Pakistan squashes US bid to expand Predator campaign

The Washington Post reported today that Pakistan is resisting US efforts to expand the US Predator campaign beyond the tribal areas and into Baluchistan. The U.S. appeal has focused on the area surrounding the Pakistani city of Quetta, where the Afghan Taliban leadership is thought to be based. But the request also seeks to expand […]