Iranian perspectives on the crisis in Iraq
Recent statements by Iranian political and religious leaders suggest that Iran’s keen interest in the current Iraqi crisis could lead it to intervene in some fashion.
Recent statements by Iranian political and religious leaders suggest that Iran’s keen interest in the current Iraqi crisis could lead it to intervene in some fashion.
Sentiments expressed recently on an online forum about the allegiances of Hezbollah run deeper than Lebanon, offering insight into Iranian strategic thinking about the Levant and the Middle East.
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Qassem Suleimani, the Middle East’s Most Powerful Operative
Videos show Iranian officers supervising Syrian soldiers
Iran to work with Russia to stop strike on Syria
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Analysis: Hezbollah’s Syria victory risks wider Sunni-Shi’ite conflict
Hassan Shateri, who was recently killed in Syria, served as a senior official in the IRGC. He also had close ties with Hezbollah, a group he greatly aided during his time in Lebanon.
Shateri: Iran’s Regional Point Man
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The Corner Where Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan Meet
Qassim Suleimani, Iran’s Master of Iraq Chaos, Still Vexes the US
Iran says it treats Israeli military threats as American
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A suicide bomber dressed in Western clothes and wearing a large backpack is seen scouting the scene of the attack just prior to killing seven people, including five Israeli tourists.
Gulf sabers rattle as Iran sanctions bite
Iran says can destroy US bases minutes after attack
Iran’s Efforts to Stir Afghan Violence Provoke Concern
Iran says could hit US if it came under attack: paper
US officials: Iran is stepping up lethal aid to Syria
Iran threatens to hit any country used to attack its soil
Israeli Says Iranian Missiles Might Threaten US
Hezbollah’s secret war on Syrian rebels
BBC Persian Reporter Interrogated Online By Iran’s Revolutionary Guards
Iranian attack on America and allies increasingly likely – US intelligence chief
Sanctions Benefit Iran’s Revolutionary Guards
Iran may soon start nuclear work in bunker: sources
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards prepare for war