Tag Archives: IRGC

Analysis: Iranian Reactions to Operation Decisive Storm

As Operation Decisive Storm got underway, Iranian outlets, analysts, and elites all prepared to frame the conflict between the Shiite Houthis in Yemen and the 10-member coalition as part of the larger Saudi-Iranian cold war. Such zero-sum statements indicate that any set-back for the coalition will be a win for Iran.

Iranian-backed militias rampaged in central Iraq after freeing town: HRW

A Human Rights Watch report says that the militias looted, burned thousands of buildings, and abducted at least 11 people during the Amerli offensive last summer. “The widespread burning of civilian homes by the militia groups in areas under their control appeared to have had no clear military objective and to represent collective punishment against residents of local Sunni villages,” HRW stated.


Iran eclipses US as Iraq’s ally in fight against militants


Iran Says It Downed Israeli Drone over Nuclear Site

Analysis: What the Gaza war means for Iran

As the war in Gaza continues, Iran’s political, military, and religious calculations ascribe similar but not identical values to the ongoing conflict. The ways in which Iranian leaders codify events on the ground vary depending on their interests at home and abroad.


Underage fighters sacrificing childhoods to wage war in Iraq and Syria


Enigmatic Iranian military man at center of UN nuclear investigation

Iran’s Levantine strategy

Sentiments expressed recently on an online forum about the allegiances of Hezbollah run deeper than Lebanon, offering insight into Iranian strategic thinking about the Levant and the Middle East.


Iran’s liberal media continue decline under Rouhani


Exclusive: Iran’s illicit procurement appears to slow amid nuclear talks – UN experts


Videos show Iranian officers supervising Syrian soldiers

Al Qaeda

Analysis: Hezbollah’s Syria victory risks wider Sunni-Shi’ite conflict


Influx of Iraqi Shiites to Syria Widens War’s Scope


Qassim Suleimani, Iran’s Master of Iraq Chaos, Still Vexes the US