Insurgents killed three people in Iskandariyah and a security official in Saadiya. A terrorist died in a premature detonation in Mosul. Security forces detained 12 wanted men, including an Islamic State of Iraq leader, in Mosul and five
Insurgents killed three people in Iskandariyah and a security official in Saadiya. A terrorist died in a premature detonation in Mosul. Security forces detained 12 wanted men, including an Islamic State of Iraq leader, in Mosul and five
Insurgents killed five people and wounded 25 more in a bombing yesterday in Basrah. Security forces detained five wanted men, including an al Qaeda commander, in Mosul.
Insurgents killed a policeman in a bombing in Mosul. The commander of the 7th Iraqi Army Division dodged an IED attack in Anbar; his driver was killed in the attack.
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Insurgents killed 12 Iraqis in attacks throughout the country, including six policemen in a suicide attack in Ramadi. Security forces arrested nine terrorists in Iskandariyah.
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Turkey claimed it killed nearly 100 PKK fighters in airstirkes in northern Iraq. Insurgents killed a councilman and his son in Hit, and a tribal leader and his son in Ninewa.
Insurgents killed a police officer in Mosul. “Gunmen” kidnapped a Navy officer in Basrah. Security forces arrested 20 members of an assassination gang in Baghdad.
Security forces detained 14 wanted men in Basrah, four members of an assassination squad in Baghdad, and a suicide bomber in Diyala. Insurgents killed a civilian in Anbar.
Panetta: Iraqis want some US troops to stay
US Defense Secretary Panetta said Iraq is negotiating to have the US remain in the country beyond 2011. Insurgents killed one Iraqi civilian in Mosul.
US defense chief says Iraq has consensus on extended US presence: report
Security forces killed four terrorists in Baghdad and detained 11 terrorists in Kirkuk and four insurgents in Mosul. Insurgents killed two policemen and three civilians in Anbar, Tarmiyah, and Mosul.
Iran is the biggest threat to Iraq’s security, says Pentagon official
Al Qaeda in Iraq killed an engineer in Diyala by strapping a bomb on his body and detonating it. Security forces detained five members of a cell thought to have executed the deadly bombing in Al Kut. The Promised Day Brigade claimed it executed eight attacks against US troops in six provinces.
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Terrorists dressed as soldiers pulled seven men from a mosque in Yusafiyah and executed them. Four policemen were killed in a mortar attack in Musayab.
Iraq bomb attacks blamed on al-Qaeda
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Insurgents killed over 60 people in attacks throughout Iraq. More than 30 Iraqis were killed in Al Kut, and two policemen were killed as they stopped a pair of suicide bombers from freeing al Qaeda prisoners from a jail in Tikrit.
Insurgents killed three Iraqis in a pair of bombings in Ramadi and a member of the Sunni Endowment in Al Kut. Security forces detained six wanted men in Kirkuk.
Two insurgents were killed in a premature detonation while planting a bomb in Fallujah. Muqtada al Sadr said that Iran refused to turn over Abu Duraa, the “Shiite Zarqawi,” to Iraq.
In Iraq’s oil-rich south, concerns about the neighbors
Security forces detained 16 wanted men in Basrah. Muqtada al Sadr again threatened to attack US troops if they remain in Iraq beyond the December 2011 deadline.
The spokesman for the terror group also said that foreign fighters continue to enter the country, and implored Sunnis to join al Qaeda.
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Muqtada al Sadr threatened to attack US trainers if they remain in Iraq past the December 2011 deadline for withdrawal. Insurgents killed an Awakening fighter in Kirkuk. Security forces detained two insurgents in Diyala.
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Two people were killed and seven more were wounded in three bombings at a sports stadium in Ramadi. Security forces captured seven members of al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq.