Tag Archives: Iraq


SPIEGEL Interview with Dick Cheney: ‘I Think There Will Be Further Terror Attacks’


A suicide bomber killed three Iraqis in Kirkuk. Insurgents killed five civilians in an attack on an Awakening headquarters in Fallujah. Security forces killed two insurgents as they attempted to plant an IED near Kirkuk.


Mass. man accused of plotting to hit Pentagon and Capitol with drone aircraft


Fearing Change, Syria’s Christians Back Assad


Insurgents assassinated an Iraqi Army brigadier in a shooting in Baghdad. Iraq has agreed to buy 18 F-16 fighters from the US.


Insurgents killed three civilians in an IED attack in Kirkuk and assassinated the director of Iraq’s Health Ministry office. Security forces detained three Ansar al Sunnah operatives in Kirkuk.


Hezbollah leader could get military tribunal in US


Terrorists killed 17 people in four bombings in Karbala. Insurgents killed two soldiers in an IED attack in Khalidiya and a civilian in a bombing in Mosul.


Insurgents killed two policemen in Fallujah and Baqubah, and a Foreign Ministry staffer in Baghdad. American Forces Network Iraq has stopped broadcasting in the country.


Radical Cleric’s Path, Now at a Crossroads, Could Turn Iraq, Too


Insurgents killed a police general in Baghdad and a police officer in Mosul, and kidnapped three Bangladeshi women in Diyala. Security forces arrested four members of an assassination cell in Baghdad.


Prime Minister Maliki called for Syrian President Bashir al Assad to step down. Admiral Mullen said the number of US forces in Iraq will drop to 30,000 by the end of September. Insurgents killed a police colonel in Mosul.


US Is Quietly Getting Ready for Syria Without Assad


Insurgents killed a policeman in Kirkuk. Three children were killed after moving an explosive device to their home. The military said that “foreign Arabs” were responsible for the execution of 22 Shia in Anbar.


Iraqi troops killed three men armed with weapons and suicide belts in the western city of Haditha. Insurgents killed a policeman in Fallujah and a civilian in Baghdad.


Security forces detained two al Qaeda fighters in Kirkuk. Two Iranians were found dead in Baghdad. The Iraqi Air Force is close to purchasing 18 US-made F-16 fighters.


Turkey “may act with Iran against PKK in Iraq”


Insurgents killed a traffic officer and a civilian in attacks in Baghdad. Security forces captured 11 suspects thought to be involved in the massacre of 22 Shia travelers near Rutbah.


Insurgents killed 17 Iraqis in bombings and shooting in Hillah, Anbar, and Baghdad. Four policemen and two soldiers were among those killed in the attacks.


Cross-border incursion into Iraq possible at any time, Turkish minister says


Iraq: Iranian connected militia member arrested


The Taliban killed two civilians in an IED attack in Baghlan. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Baghlan, and Faryab.


Security forces detained 24 wanted men during raids in Ninewa province. Muqtada al Sadr ordered his followers to halt attacks against US forces “until the invader forces complete their withdrawal.”