The Supreme Judicial Council accused Vice President Hashemi of operating a death squad that was involved in 150 bombings and assassinations since 2005. A police major was killed during a raid that targeted a kidnapping cell in Nasiriyah.
The Supreme Judicial Council accused Vice President Hashemi of operating a death squad that was involved in 150 bombings and assassinations since 2005. A police major was killed during a raid that targeted a kidnapping cell in Nasiriyah.
Insurgents assassinated a general in Baghdad and killed a civilian in Mosul. The Iraqi military seized a media center for al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq in Mosul.
UN urges Iraq to move Iranian dissidents to new camp
Insurgents killed three people in attacks in Mosul and Baghdad. Security forces detained two terrorists, including one who was previously sentenced to death, in Thi Qhar.
Insurgents killed an Awakening leader and two of his bodyguards in an IED attack in Anbar. Security forces detained 20 wanted men in Mosul and Diyala. A court sentenced an al Qaeda in Iraq leader to life in prison.
For Iraqis, Aid to Syrian Rebels Repays a War Debt
Four members of the PKK were killed as Turkish warplanes bombed their bases in northern Iraq. Iraq opened a new crude oil export terminal in Basra that should increase exports by 300,000 barrels per day.
Al Qaeda leader backs Syrian revolt against Assad
Jihadists, weapons ‘moving from Iraq to Syria’
Insurgents killed an Awakening member in an IED attack in Fallujah. The government freed 18 senior Baathists in Wasit, and said others would soon be released.
Insurgents killed a policeman near Kirkuk. The government is seeking to tighten the rules for security contractors operating in Iraq.
US still lacks Guantanamo transfer safeguards: lawmakers
Iraq executed Abu Talha, a senior aide to Abu Musab al Zarqawi, and sentenced a Saudi al Qaeda in Iraq leader to death. A tribal sheikh was killed in an IED attack in Diyala.
Abu Talha was a senior al Qaeda in Iraq leader, a member of Ansar al Islam, and a potential successor to Abu Musab al Zarqawi.
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US Is Planning to Halve Its Staff at Iraq Embassy
Security forces captured al Qaeda in Iraq’s finance minister in Mosul. A court sentenced two Islamic Army in Iraq members to death for the kidnapping and murder of two French journalists and an Iranian diplomat.
US to elevate Special Operations forces’ role in Afghanistan
Security forces killed two teenage boys as they were planting a roadside bomb in Mosul. Insurgents killed a police officer in Baghdad.
US Plans a Shift to Elite Forces in Afghanistan
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Security forces detained al Qaeda’s minister of information in Mosul and 16 members of Vice President Hashemi’s bodyguard. Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed credit for the Jan. 15 suicide assault in Ramadi that killed seven policemen.
Iraq becomes dollar source for sanctions-hit Iran, Syria
Civilian Deaths Due to Drones Are Few, Obama Says
Insurgents killed two policemen in Diyala province. The US is considering discussions with Iraq to expand defense cooperation.
US Drones Patrolling Its Skies Provoke Outrage in Iraq
The Iraqiya party has ended its boycott of parliament. The US Department of Defense cannot account for more than $2 billion in funds for Iraq. Insurgents killed a civilian in Samarra.
Insurgents killed a soldier in Mosul, the daughter and wife of an Awakening leader in Fallujah, and a civilian in Kirkuk. Police arrested two female members of Vice President Hashemi’s staff.
Former ‘Sons of Iraq’ targeted by insurgents after U.S. pullout
A suicide bomber killed 32 Iraqis, including 16 policemen, during a Shia march in Baghdad. An Awaking leader was assassinated in Garma.