UN Seeks Iran Nuclear Deal Before Baghdad Talks
UN Seeks Iran Nuclear Deal Before Baghdad Talks
Insurgents killed a police captain, his wife, and three young children, in an attack at his home in Baghdad. The government is planning on building a $1 billion power plant in Anbar province.
Insurgents killed five people in a bombing at a pet market in Baghdad. Security forces detained five al Qaeda in Iraq fighters in Wasit.
The trial of Vice President Hashemi, who is outside the country, has begun. Security forces arrested five Ansar al Sunnah members in Kirkuk and “four Syrian infiltrators” in Mosul.
Insurgents killed five Iraqis in bombings in Fallujah and a policeman in a bombing in Kirkuk. Iraq is poised to overtake Iran as the number one oil producer in OPEC.
Insurgents killed four Iraqis in attacks in Ramadi and Baghdad. The Kurdistan Regional Government denied that it was hosting the Israeli Mossad.
Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood is gaining influence over anti-Assad revolt
US May Scrap Costly Effort to Train Iraqi Police
Iran Promotes Its Candidate for Next Shiite Leader
Insurgents killed four people in attacks in Diyala province. Turkey said it would not extradite Vice President Hashemi despite an INTERPOL red notice for his arrest.
An Iraqi court ordered the release of Hezbollah commander Musa Ali Daqduq, but he will remain in prison as his case is appealed. INTERPOL issued a Red Notice warrant for Vice President Tariq al Hashemi.
Odierno Reshaping Training and Deployment
Insurgents killed 88 civilians, 20 soldiers, and 18 policemen in attacks in April. Iraq’s crude oil exported reached the highest level in decades.
Think Again: Al Qaeda
Al-Qaeda is weaker without bin Laden, but its franchise persists
Insurgents killed 10 Iraqis in a bombing at a cafe in a village outside of Baqubah. An Iraqi soldier was killed in an IED attack in Mosul.
Turkey Feels Sway of Fethullah Gulen, a Reclusive Cleric
Military reworking spy operations
Pentagon establishes Defense Clandestine Service, new espionage unit
Kurds’ Displacement Tests Iraq’s Fragile Unity
Western allies of MI6 ‘kept in dark’ over mosque sting plan
Insurgents killed four civilians in a pair of bombings in Baghdad. Prime Minister Maliki said Turkey is becoming a “hostile state” after Prime Minister Erdogan accused him of fanning sectarian tensions.
Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 36 people in bombings and suicide attacks in 10 cities throughout the country. Hezbollah commander Musa Ali Daqduq is expected to be freed from Iraqi custody, his lawyer said.
At least 36 people were killed in today’s attacks in Baghdad, Kirkuk, Mosul, Samarra, Taji, Baqubah, and Ramadi.
Insurgents killed two Iraqi policemen in an IED attack in Khaldiyah in Anbar province. Two members of the election commission were detained on corruption charges.
Al Qaeda battles to create safe haven in Yemen
Insurgents killed seven Shia pilgrims in an attack on a bus in Samarra. A court sentenced two men to death and another to life in prison for a bombing in Al Kut last year.
“Gunmen” opened fire on a police checkpoint near Kirkuk, killing two officers and three civilians. Insurgents killed a mayor and four family members in a bombing at his home near Baqubah.
Yemeni officials offer guarantees for repatriation of detainees
US policy on Iraq questioned as influence wanes, Maliki consolidates power