Thirty-two people were killed in a pair of car bombings that again targeted Shia pilgrims in Baghdad. Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed credit for this week’s bombings that killed 70 people.
Thirty-two people were killed in a pair of car bombings that again targeted Shia pilgrims in Baghdad. Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed credit for this week’s bombings that killed 70 people.
Thirty-two more Iraqis were killed in bombings that targeted Shia pilgrims in Baghdad.
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Seventy Iraqis, including Shia pilgrims and five soldiers, were killed in a series of coordinated bombings and attacks in Baghdad, Hillah, Karbala, and Balad. Al Qaeda in Iraq likely executed the attack. Two AQI fighters were arrested in Wasit.
The terror group said the “special martyrdom-operation” included a suicide attack inside a Syrian military camp and was followed up by an ambush that included seven IEDs.
The coordinated bombings were carried out in four major Iraqi cities.
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“This is the first message delivered to you with the color of blood, the smell of death, and a sound that deafens your ears,” the terror group said.
Six people were killed in a mortar attack that targeted Shia pilgrims in Baghdad. Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed credit for the suicide attack that killed 25 people at the Shiite Endowment in Baghdad.
Insurgents killed four Iraqis in shootings and bombings in Baghdad, Balad Ruz, and Kirkuk. A colonel was killed and his family wounded in Baghdad, while a soldier was killed in Kirkuk.
The government executed Abed Hamoud, Saddam Hussein’s private secretary, for ordering assassinations and detentions of political rivals. “Gunmen” killed two Awakening members in northern Baghdad.
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A suicide bomber killed 26 Iraqis in an attack on the Shi’ite Endowment in Baghdad. Al Qaeda in Iraq had previously threatened to target Iraqi Shia in Baghdad and elsewhere.
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The attack targeted the Shi’ite Endowment, and was likely carried out by al Qaeda in Iraq, which has threatened to strike the Shia.
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The US has requested that Iraq extradite Hezbollah commander Ali Mussa Daqduq, who is still in Iraqi custody. Daqduq trained Shia militias on behalf of Iran’s Qods Force and was involved in the kidnapping and murder of US soldiers in Karbala in 2007.
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Insurgents killed 18 Iraqis and wounded more than 50 in six bombings in Baghdad. The bombs were detonated near a restaurant, at policemen’s homes, and as a police patrol passed by. A police major was killed in a shooting in Mosul.
The country moves closer to normality as responsibility for security in Baghdad is handed over from the Iraqi Army to the police.
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A member of the Baghdad provincial council is a leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, according to the Baghdad Police Command. Insurgents killed four soldiers and a police officer in Wasit, and three soldiers west of Mosul.
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Insurgents killed three soldiers in an IED attack in Badoush near Mosul. A Brigadier General in the Interior Ministry was gunned down in Baghdad.
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Insurgents killed three Lebanese Shia pilgrims in Ramadi, three civilians in Baqubah, and two policemen in Kirkuk. The central government informed Turkey that it required permission to build a pipeline to move oil from Kurdistan.
Insurgents killed six people, including four children, at the home of an Awakening member in Baqubah. Iraq wants drones to protect its oil platforms, facilities, and infrastructure.
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