Tag Archives: Iraq


Insurgents killed 14 people in attacks in Kirkuk, Taji, and Hillah. Al Qaeda in Iraq launched attacks on prisons in Abu Ghraib and Taji in an attempt to free high-level leaders.


Security forces arrested three al Qaeda in Iraq members in Fallujah. The government will hand over 20 “members of fanatic religious groups” in custody to Jordan. The Iraqi counterterrorism chief claimed that 90 percent of Iraq’s terrorists have passed through Camp Bucca prison.


An al Qaeda suicide bomber killed 20 people in a blast inside a Sunni mosque in Wajihiyah, just north of Baqubah. Security forces uncovered an al Qaeda weapons cache near the Iraqi-Syrian border in Anbar province.


Insurgents killed nine Iraqis in a series of bombings and attacks in Baghdad, Kirkuk, Wajihiyah, Dujail, and Balad. The government refused to reconcile with the Jaish al Mukhtar, a Hezbollah linked “outlawed militia.”


Insurgents killed four youths as they were swimming in a stream in Wajihiya. Security forces captured an al Qaeda leader near Mosul. A court sentenced an al Qaeda leader who brutally murdered Iraqis in Baghdad to hang.


Three Iraqi soldiers and four al Qaeda fighters were killed during clashes and bombings in Tikrit and Mosul. Security forces killed an al Qaeda fighter and detained 10 more in Mahmudiyah; six soldiers were wounded during the raid.


Iraqi police pit football field in bid to stop terrorist attacks


Terrorists killed 38 Iraqis in attacks throughout the country yesterday and nine more today. In one of the attacks today, a suicide bomber killed two soldiers in Kirkuk.


Iraq’s foreign minister said that his country is unable to effectively halt Iranian arms transfers to Syria. The provincial government in Anbar rejected Iranian companies’ bids to build roads and schools.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 31 people in an attack at a cafe in Kirkuk. Security forces captured four al Qaeda in Iraq fighters in Sharqat and an al Qaeda leader and two aides in Kirkuk.


Insurgents killed at least 44 Iraqis in a series of bombings and attacks in Baghdad, Anbar, Mosul, Tikrit, Kirkuk, and Muqdadiyah. Among those killed were 14 policemen and four Awakening fighters. Suicide attacks were carried out in Muqdadiyah and Mosul.


Insurgents killed two civilians in a bombing in Haqlaniyah and the spokesman for Mosul in a shooting in the city. Security forces captured an al Qaeda leader in Fallujah and eight members of a terrorist cell in Baghdad.


The military claimed it killed al Qaeda in Iraq’s finance minister and three of his aides during an operation in Anbar province near the border with Syria. The al Qaeda finance minister was not named.


A female suicide bomber killed 15 people and wounded 32 more in an attack outside a Shia mosque in Baghdad. Four more Iraqis were killed in a car bombing north of the capital.


Seven civilians and three insurgents were killed in bombings and fighting in Baghdad. Security forces captured five al Qaeda fighters in Kirkuk. Russia is selling Iraq $4.2 billion in weapons.


Insurgents killed at least 53 Iraqis in a series of attacks throughout the country. Among those killed were two policemen and 28 civilians in Baghdad, four policemen and seven terrorists in Baaj, and an Awakening fighter and three civilians in Abu Ghraib. Also a suicide bomber killed four people at a funeral in Baqubah.


A suicide bomber killed 22 Iraqis in an attack inside a Shia mosque in Muqdadiyah. Eight Awakening members in Tarmiyah were kidnapped and then executed. Iraqi troops destroyed an al Qaeda “base” near the Syrian border.


Twelve soccer players and fans were killed in a bombing at a match in Nahrawan. Al Qaeda kidnapped and executed an Awakening leader, and then stuffed his corpse with explosives. Security forces captured an al Qaeda leader in Mosul and seven members of a cell in Nukhaib.


Al Qaeda killed 11 Awakening fighters and recovery personnel in a double bombing at a checkpoint in Zangoura. A suicide bomber killed four people at a funeral in Dujail. Four more people were killed in a bombing near a soccer field in Madeen.


Insurgents killed 22 Iraqis in a series of bombings in coffee shops and cafes in Baghdad, Baqubah, and Jbela. Al Qaeda killed a three-year-old girl in an IED attack in Madeen. Iraqi soldiers killed two suicide bombers as they attempted to attack a command center in Anbar.


A pair of al Qaeda in Iraq suicide bombers killed 16 people in an attack that targeted Turkmen in Tuz Khurmatu. Another suicide bomber killed 10 Iraqis in Mosul. Six more Iraqis were killed in attacks in Karbala. Security forces captured the head of an al Qaeda assassination cell in Mosul.


Forty-two Iraqis were killed in a series of bombings and attacks in Baghdad and elsewhere in Iraq. Al Qaeda suicide bombers also conducted attacks in Tikrit and Mosul.


Al Qaeda killed three policemen in a suicide assault in Hawija and eight other Iraqis in other attacks throughout the country. Two policemen and six al Qaeda fighters were killed in a clash in Al Khor in Anbar province on June 21.


A suicide bomber killed 12 people in an attack at a mosque near Taji. Four more Iraqis were killed in a suicide attack in Azba. Twenty-two Iraqis were killed in other attacks by al Qaeda throughout the country. The government allocated $129 million to fund the Awakening.


An al Qaeda suicide bomber killed seven people in an attack at a vote counting center in Ramadi. Al Qaeda killed three people in an IED attack in Sharqat. Security forces captured two al Qaeda fighters at the Al Waleed crossing point with Syria.