Tag Archives: Iraq

Head of al Qaeda ‘Victory Committee’ in Syria

Sanafi al Nasr heads al Qaeda’s “Victory Committee” and has relocated to Syria. He has become a vocal critic of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham (ISIS) and has been allied with ISIS’ main jihadist rivals, including the Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda’s official branch in Syria.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 16 people, including eight policemen and soldiers, in a series of bombings in Baghdad. An ISIS suicide bomber killed three security personnel in Ramadi. Security forces killed five ISIS fighters in Ramadi and two “terrorists” in Mosul.


Syria’s ‘third force’ Kurds may emerge stronger from conflict


The military claimed it killed 52 Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters in Ramadi, including a leader known as Abu Bakr Anbari, and a commander in Latafiyah. An ISIS suicide bomber targeted soldiers in Ramadi. The ISIS killed two soldiers and a policeman in Mosul, and two civilians and two guards at the […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed six women and a child in Baladruz, and four policemen and two soldiers in Ramadi. The military killed seven ISIS fighters near Ramadi and a “terrorist” in Ninewa. The UN estimated that 704 Iraqis were killed in February.


An Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham suicide bomber killed the head of the Awakening in Haditha and six of his fighters. The ISIS also killed three policemen in Mosul and three civilians in Khalis. Security forces killed 15 ISIS fighters in Ramadi.


Generations on, Christians fleeing Syria return to Turkey


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 53 people in bombings in and around Baghdad; 42 of them died in a motorcycle bombing at a market in Baghdad’s Sadr City. Security forces killed seven ISIS “snipers” in Karmah, 10 ISIS fighters near Kirkuk, four jihadists near the Syrian border, and three “gunmen” in […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed four Awakening fighters in Al Mashahda, an army colonel and three policemen in Babil, four policemen in Mosul, three soldiers in Ramadi, and five civilians in Baghdad. Security forces killed an ISIS leader and an aide near Baqubah, and three more ISIS fighters in Ramadi.


Hospital officials said that 722 people have been killed during military shelling of Fallujah since the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham and allied tribes took control of the city. Security forces killed 16 ISIS fighters in Fallujah and nine “militants” north of Baqubah. Iraq will purchase $195 in weapons from Iran in violation […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 26 oil protection policemen south of Mosul, two policemen in Mosul, and a policeman in Madain. An ISIS suicide bomber targeted a police checkpoint in Anbar. Security forces killed 25 ISIS fighters in Anbar and 12 insurgents in Jurf al Sakhar. The military killed five civilians […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham briefly took control of the town of Sainiyah and killed four policemen and two Awakening fighters. The ISIS shot down a helicopter and killed four crewmen in Karma; and killed five soldiers in a suicide attack near Ramadi; a regiment commander and three soldiers near Baqubah; and […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed several soldiers and policemen in Khaladiyah, and three soldiers north of Fallujah. Security forces killed seven “terrorists” in Babil and a “gunman” in Saadiyah.


Security forces killed 20 Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters in Sulaiman Bek, 12 fighters in Babil, seven more in Ramadi, five ISIS operatives, including the governors of Mosul and Ninewa, and two “gunmen” in Mosul. The ISIS killed 16 civilians in Musayiab, three soldiers in Fallujah, a soldier in Ramadi, another soldier […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 11 civilians in Baghdad and two more in Qayyarah, three soldiers in Kirkuk, two soldiers in Miqdadiyah, two Awakening fighters in Taza, a policeman in Baghdad, and a policeman near Mosul. An ISIS suicide bomber killed three policemen in Ramadi. Security forces killed 10 ISIS fighters […]


Security forces killed 12 Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters in Ramadi, four more fighters in Baghdad, and the group’s military commander for Ramadi and the emir for Sulaiman Beg. The ISIS killed two policemen near Ramadi, a government official in Ninewa, and a policeman in Mosul. An official said that security forces […]


An Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham suicide bomber killed two civilians south of Mosul. The ISIS also killed three policemen and beheaded them near Mosul, and killed a lawyer near Baghdad. Prime Minister Maliki visited Anbar and promised support to the Awakening.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham overran most of Sulaiman Pek; the military said it killed 10 ISIS fighters while retaking control of the town. An ISIS suicide bomber killed seven soldiers in Saqlawiyah. The ISIS also killed 11 soldiers near Hillah, a policeman in Tuz and another in Kirkuk, and two civilians […]


Security forces killed six Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters in Khaladiyah, two in Karma, an ISIS commander for Mosul, three fighters east of Mosul, and three more in Qayyarah. The ISIS killed a regiment commander in Kirkuk, a soldier and an Awakening fighter in Hawijah, three soldiers in Ramadi, a policemen and […]


Security forces killed six Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters, including a Saudi, near Ramadi, a “group” of ISIS fighters in Anbar, and a gunman in Mosul. The ISIS killed six soldiers in Jurf al Sakhr in and four Iraqis in Tuz Khurmatu.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 15 soldiers, beheading eight of them, in an attack on a military barracks in Mosul. The ISIS also killed a policemen near Mosul and an Awakening fighter in Hawija and another in Tarmiyah. A suicide bomber attacked police and soldiers in Ramadi. Security forces killed 17 […]


Twenty-two Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham suicide bombers and personnel were killed, 15 were wounded, and eight more were captured in a premature detonation near Samarra. An ISIS suicide bomber killed two policemen and two soldiers in Ramadi. The ISIS also killed a policeman in Hit and two guards for a judge in […]