The Syria disconnect in US Iraq policy
The Syria disconnect in US Iraq policy
The Islamic State named Abu Bakr al Baghdadi as its caliph. Baghdadi is now to be referred as “khalifah Ibrahim.”
Blame The Obama Doctrine For Iraq
Iraq’s Sunni Militants Take to Social Media to Advance Their Cause and Intimidate
Insight: Sectarian genie is out of the bottle from Syria to Iraq
Reports indicate that Iraqi forces have withdrawn from much of the city after heavy fighting with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham and allied Baathists.
Syrian rebels buckling in face of jihadists
Report: ISIS Selling Oil to Finance Terrorist Operations; Army, Security Forces Main Targets in Lebanon
ISIS fears in Lebanon on the rise
Abu Qatada acquitted of conspiracy in Jordan
Obama Administration Deepens US Role in Syria and Iraq
Armed US aircraft now flying over Iraq: defense officials
At least one helicopter was shot down after commandos landed at Tikrit University. The outcome of the operation is uncertain.
US now wrestling with intelligence gaps in Iraq
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham took control of the town of Mansouriyat al-Jabal and a nearby oil field. A suicide bomber killed 19 people in Baghdad. The military claimed it killed 32 ISIS fighters in airstrikes in Tikrit and in Anbar.
Jihadist returnees stir concern in the Maghreb
Saudi king orders ‘all’ measures to protect nation
ISIS Jihadists Step Up Recruitment Drive
The Mansuriyah and Ajeel oil fields in Iraq, and the Al Omar facility in Syria, are said to be in ISIS hands. ISIS will want the infrastructure for the operations of its Islamic state.
Iraqi oil infrastructure “sabotaged” before ISIS attack–industry source
Jordan shaken by threats from ISIS, Iraq, Syria
Abu Yusuf al Masri, a leader in Albu Kamal, swore allegiance to a senior “Chechen” commander in the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. The move could strengthen ISIS’ hold on the Iraq-Syrian border.
Syrian Qaeda wing pledges loyalty to ISIS in border town
Jordan on alert after ISIS seizes border crossing
Records show how Iraqi extremists withstood US antiterrorism efforts
Hundreds of ISIS fighters parade Humvees, artillery pieces, military trucks, and police vehicles that were captured during the battle of Mosul.
The military claimed it killed an al Qaeda leader and 19 fighters during clashes at the Bayji refinery, and 30 more fighters in airstrikes north of Fallujah. Iraqi officials claimed to have retaken the Tarbil and Al Walid border crossings in Anbar, but the report is unconfirmed. The ISIS took control of Nukhaib in Anbar. […]
Obama’s disastrous Iraq policy: an autopsy
ISIS recruits Kurdish youth, creating a potential new risk in a peaceful part of Iraq
Iraqi military facing ‘psychological collapse’ after losses, desertions