Iraq lacks ability to fly F-16s it seeks, US trainer says
Iraq lacks ability to fly F-16s it seeks, US trainer says
Iraq crisis: ISIS rebels ‘hunt opponents’, say refugees
Jordan Salafi leader warns of chaos
Islamic State Militants Seize Oil Field, Expand Syrian Domain
Obama’s Blueprint for Fighting Terrorism Collides With Reality in Iraq
With the fall of Mayadin as well as Shujail, the home town of the Al Nusrah Front’s emir, the Islamic State controls contiguous territory along the Euphrates River Valley from the town of Jarabulus, which borders Turkey, in Syria’s northern Aleppo province to the town of Anah in Anbar province in Iraq.
Islamic State seizes oil field and towns in Syria’s east
Prime Minister Maliki offered amnesty to Sunni tribes that are supporting the Islamic State and other insurgent groups. Security forces clashed with a Shia militia in Karbala; several security personnel and followers of Mahmud al Sarkhi were killed.
Iran’s near invisible Quds Force commander
Iraq’s Assyrian Christians fear ISIS threat to heritage
Top Kurdish spy chief says French jihadists fighting in Iraq
Chechen in Syria a rising leader in extremist group
Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has issued a statement praising the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham’s (ISIS) gains in Iraq and calling for reconciliation between jihadist groups in Syria. The statement was authored prior to the ISIS declaring that it ruled over a caliphate and rebranding itself the “Islamic State.”
Sunni and Kurdish members of parliament left the assembly after the Shia-led State of Law coalition failed to name a replacement for Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki. More than 2,400 people were killed in Iraq last month, the highest monthly toll in seven years. The US has ordered the evacuation of some embassy personnel in […]
Russia seeks UN ban on oil trade with ‘terrorists’ in Syria
US dawdles on Iraq as Russia, Iran jump in
Patriarchs call on region’s Christians to hold on to their lands
ISIS militants outline chilling 5-year plan for global domination
Does the Islamic State have a Scud missile
Iraq, Syria and the Middle East – An essay by Tony Blair
The Islamic State’s jihadist rivals in Syria have rejected its claim to have established a Caliphate. Leading ideologues in the Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda’s official branch in Syria, have rejected the Islamic State’s announcement as well.
Is Lebanon at risk of becoming the next jihadi hub?
Dutch Islamist radicals becoming elusive ‘swarm
White House fears al Qaeda offshoot may be planning bomb plot on airliner flying to America
As Iraq plummets further into chaos, and the United States incrementally but cautiously steps forward, Iranian officials have been busy forming and casting narratives
about the crisis facing their next-door neighbor.
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham announced the formation of the Caliphate, changed its name to the Islamic State, and named Abu Bakr al Baghdadi as Caliph Ibrahim. The Iraqi military is reported to have withdrawn most of its ground forces from Tikrit after entering the city just one day ago. Heavy fighting […]
Morocco aims to be moderate Islamic model
Iran, Qatar to cooperate against ‘terror’
ISIS threat looms over Baghdad
Allawi: US policy toward Iraq ‘without a compass’