Tag Archives: Iran


Iranian official says Hezbollah does not receive orders from Tehran


Tehran planned construction for two new enrichment facilities. The Saudi foreign minister said sanctions are a last chance to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power. The speaker of parliament, Larijani, instructed President Obama to “do something about” Secretary of State Clinton’s style of diplomacy.


Iran’s police chief said the BBC and Voice of America are arms of the CIA and MI-6. French Prime Minister Fillon said the world would needs to “look into new measures” if Iran does not come clean on its nuclear program. Munich Re AG and Allianz SE suspended business with Iran.


Iran’s supreme leader denies nuclear report claims


A new IAEA report said Iran is working on weaponizing uranium and has not cooperated with the IAEA investigations. The White House said that Iran “is failing to meet its international obligations.”

Iran actively pursuing nuclear weapons capability: IAEA

In the midst of Iranian nuclear enrichment efforts, the International Atomic Energy Commission (IAEA) has released a new report, written by Director Yukiya Amano, on the progress of Iran’s nuclear program as it pertains to the Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) and UN Security Council (UNSC) Resolutions 1737, 1747, 1803, and 1835. Some key elements of the […]


Task force warns anew on terrorist funding from Iran


UN nuke agency worried Iran may be working on arms


Ayatollah Khameini delivered a speech in Tabriz stating that Iran “will never back down from its positions and it could by no means be intimidated by threats and oppositions.” President Ahmadinejad said that if the Israelis launch a new war against Hezbollah, the terror group should retaliate strongly enough to “close their case once and […]


General says 2 Iraq politicians have ties to Iran


The US, Russia, and France issued a joint warning to Iran to stop enrichment. Supreme Leader Aytollah Khameini said Iran won’t let “arrogant powers rule the world.” Russia delayed the shipment of t S-300 air defense missiles due to “technical problems.”

War of words: Ahmadinejad, Netanyahu, Clinton

In another bout of saber rattling, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced that Israel is planning on starting a war as early as this spring, according to a secret source secured by Tehran. “According to information we have they [Israel] are seeking to start a war next spring or summer, although their decision is not final […]


US Secretary of State Clinton said the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps is supplanting clerical and civilian leadership in Tehran. President Ahmadinejad said that the West will “regret” any decision to move forward with further sanctions. The Foreign Ministry spokesman said Tehran fully supports nuclear disarmament in the Middle East.


Clinton: Iran is becoming a military dictatorship


During a visit to Doha, US Secretary of State Clinton said Iran was “drifting towards a military dictatorship.” Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu visited Moscow to garner Russia support for isolating Iran.


The foreign ministry said Iran’s nuclear program has been “of a peaceful nature at all times.” The US secretary of state said Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons. The chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff said an attack on Iran could have “unintended consequences.”


Iran – Mehdi Karroubi’s question and answer session with The Sunday Telegraph


The Shah’s son urged the West to help Iran’s opposition. US government officials dismissed Iran’s enrichment claims. Speaker Larijani said Tehran will “quicken nuclear work” if West imposes a new round of sanctions.


On the anniversary of Islamic Revolution, President Ahmadinejad announced that Iran is “a nuclear state.” Opposition leaders Karroubi and former President Khatami were attacked when they attended an opposition rally. Tehran cracked down on internet access in the wake of anniversary protests.


Iran opposition leaders attacked as regime floods streets

February 11, 1979: The day the Shah fell

On the eve of the 31st anniversary of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, it’s important to take a step back and get some historical context. The following is a BBC news report from Feb. 11, 1979: Victory for Khomeini as Army Steps Aside Supporters of the Ayatollah Khomeini appear to be in control of the Iranian capital, […]


Iran: EU condemns attacks on embassies in Tehran


Tehran arrested protesters in an attempt to thwart protests on tomorrow’s observance of the anniversary of the Iranian Revolution. President Ahmadinejad moved to give the Basij more political power. President Obama sought new sanctions to target the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.


Small step in Iran™s nuclear effort suggests ambitions for a weapon, experts say


Iran moving to silence dissent with arrests, analysts say


Iran began enriching uranium for use in its medical reactor; the US and its allies pushed for tougher sanctions. Tehran announced plans to construct 10 new nuclear fuel plants.