Tag Archives: Iran


Diplomats said Iran has continued to expand its uranium enrichment capabilities. China continues to push for a diplomatic solution to Iran’s nuclear program. A Taiwanese businessman pled guilt to attempting to ship banned missile parts to Iran.


Crackdown on opposition appears under way In Iran


US intelligence officials believe Iran is allowing al Qaeda operatives based in the country to move freely into neighboring countries. Members of al Qaeda’s top leadership circles based in Iran, including Saif al Adel, al Qaeda’s top strategist, are thought to be free to travel to Afghanistan and Pakistan.


Are Sadr militias rearming in Iraq’s south?


President Ahmadinejad told the US to “leave the region; leave Afghanistan; leave Iraq; withdraw to your borders and mind your own business.” An Afghan man assaulted Pakistan’s ambassador to Iran in Tehran. Seven foreign firms that have invested in Iran have received US government contracts.


The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps said Iran needs to be able to hit “enemies’ capabilities … from long distances.” The Army’s top commander claimed it warned off a US military plane from Iranian exercises in the Persian Gulf. An Iranian court sentenced a Newsweek reporter in absentia to 13 years in jail and 74 lashes […]


The government hanged six drug dealers and five Kurdish activists over the weekend. Border guards seized six Iraqi boats and detained 12 crewmen, claiming they were spying. A top member of parliament said a nuclear fuel swap must take place on Iranian soil.


Kuwait – Media banned from reporting on alleged Iran spy ring


Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami said the world should recognize Iran as a nuclear power. “You should regard the nuclearization of Iran as a bygone fact,” he said during a sermon broadcast nationally. “By God’s grace, Iran has entered the world countries’ nuclear club.”


President Ahmadinejad said Osama bin Laden is in Washington, DC, and not in Iran. Military forces carried out the second day of operations in the Persian Gulf. Russia said an attack on Iran would have “disastrous” consequences.


The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps will increase control of Iran’s energy sector. President Ahmadinejad said a new round of Western sanctions would ruin Iran’s relationship with the US. Brazil offered to mediate a nuclear fuel swap deal. Tehran began new “Velayat 89” war games in the Persian Gulf.


President Ahmadinejad called for the UN to reprimand the US for nuclear aggression. US Secretary of Defense Gates said Iran is seeking to challenge US naval supremacy in the Persian Gulf. The Iranian navy announced new war games will commence in the next few weeks.


President Ahmadinejad said “Iran does not need to gain the West’s trust.” Ahmad Motamehdi, a former reformist minister, was wounded in knife attack. Iran will launch two telecommunication satellites in 2010.


Kuwaiti members of parliament demanded that an Iranian envoy be expelled for running a spy network; a top Islamic Revolution Guards Corps denied that Iran ran agents in Kuwait. Defense officials claimed Iran has developed a short range anti-cruise missile defense system.


Press freedom suffered more setbacks in 2009, new report shows


Iran’s deputy president threatened to “cut Israel’s legs off should it dare to attack Lebanon or Syria.” The US will grant a visa to President Ahmadinejad for IAEA’s Non-Proliferation Treaty summit next week at the UN headquarters in New York City.


The US is planning to soften sanctions on Iran. President Ahmedinejad will speak at the IAEA’s conference on the NPT. Tehran’s police chief said law enforcement will crack down on suntanned women.


Israeli Ambassador to US Oren hinted that a strike on Iran is on the table. Desmond Tutu called for Tehran to release US hikers from captivity. Opposition leaders in Iran called for protests on June 12 to commemorate the 2009 election.


Iranian Foreign Minister Mottaki is hopeful for a nuclear fuel-swap deal with the West. Iranian Defense Minister Vahidi said the “Great Prophet 5” war games conducted in the Strait of Hormuz last weekend were a success.


Opposition leader Mousavi called ruling clerics “corrupt, despotic rulers.” President Mugabe denied that Zimbabwe signed a uranium mining agreement with Iran. The government eased investment restrictions in an attempt to counter sanctions.


The top Revolution Guards commander said the US “must leave, because we consider them as the enemy.” A senior Revolution Guard commander said Iran will begin mass producing UAVs. The foreign minister said Iran is still interested in conducting a swap for medical grade uranium.


Iranian technocrats, disillusioned with government, offer wealth of intelligence to US


Iran strikes secret nuclear mining deal with Zimbabwe’s Mugabe regime


Iran has offered amnesty to members of Jundallah. The US has called for the immediate release of three American hikers detained after crossing the border from Iraq. The IRGC claimed it is testing four new anti-ship missiles during current military exercises in the Gulf.

Iranians commence ‘Great Prophet 5’ war games

In the wake of a nuclear summit in Washington, D.C., and a counter-nuclear summit with various non-aligned nations in Tehran, the Islamic Republic of Iran has begun a three-day military exercise in the Persian Gulf called “Great Prophet 5.” In the lead-up to the military exercise, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei declared that President Obama’s nuclear summit […]