Tag Archives: Iran


Tehran urged the United States and Russia to accept the nuclear fuel-swap deal with Turkey. The US Congress may delay the passage of new Iran sanctions.

Pentagon ups intel capabilities in the Middle East

The New York Times ran a front page story yesterday with some details of a seven-page directive signed in September 2009 by Central Command’s General David Petraeus sending more clandestine military forces throughout the Middle East. Because the order is classified, only portions were discussed in the Times article. Petraeus’ order expands on similar moves […]


Secretary of State Clinton said Iran’s letter to the IAEA had “deficiencies.” Iranian police warned opposition leaders not to protest in commemoration of last June’s controversial presidential election. Tehran released filmmaker Jafar Panahi from Evin prison.


Unruly crowd interrupt Ahmadinejad speech in southern Iran


Spat over Iran may further strain relations between allies US, Turkey


Opposition leader Mousavi is against the West’s new nuclear sanctions. Iran hanged Jundallah leader Abdulhamid Rigi in Sistan-Baluchistan province. Tehran will release an imprisoned filmmaker from Evin prison.


Iran says US “hikers” spies, proposes prisoner swap


Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani told the West it must accept the nuclear fuel swap agreement as is. Russia’s envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference said the nuclear fuel swap deal is satisfactory. Iran’s envoy to Russia said Western sanctions are ineffective.


Iran seen as using influence to help Iraq’s al-Maliki stay on as prime minister

Wonks gone wild: Obama’s nuclear diplomacy

As the week comes to a close, it’s time to review some of what leading journalists, pundits, and policy wonks — from the left, right, and murky center — are saying about new UN sanctions on Iran and the Turkey fuel-swap deal: Leslie Gelb in the Daily Beast: The United States will not be able […]


Two Iranians detained in Iraq are freed as moms plea for release of American hikers in Iran


A UN sanctions loophole would allow Russia to transfer its S-300 missile defense system to Iran. The China National Petroleum Corporation will move ahead with planned oil and natural gas projects in Iran.

Iran’s ‘chicken’ diplomacy

The Washington Post‘s David Ignatius has decided to inject himself into the recent policy debate over Iran’s new fuel-swap deal with Turkey. Ignatius is noted for having likened Iran’s negotiation style to the way drivers commute in Tehran — it’s aggressive, frantic, and busy. In his recent article titled “A diplomatic game of chicken with […]


The West’s new sanctions package may include measures to press Iran’s central bank. Tehran said it would back out of the fuel-swap deal if the UN passes new sanctions. A Russian nuclear official said Iran’s first nuclear power plant will be online by August.

Turkey and Brazil played by Iran

The New York Times ran an interesting editorial today titled “Iran, the Deal and the Council.” After laying out the details of the recent nuclear fuel swap deal negotiated by Iran with Brazil and Turkey, the anonymous author offers some pointed commentary on the actual significance of the deal (if it comes to fruition) [emphasis […]


Major powers reached an agreement on the fourth round of sanctions against Iran. Tehran dismissed the new UN sanctions regimen, saying the sanctions will be “discredited.”


US officials expressed skepticism over the proposed new Iranian fuel swap deal with Turkey. Ayatollah Khamenei called for Tehran to expand its ties in Africa. Iran expanded its non-oil export sector in the past quarter.


Nuclear fuel declaration by Iran, Turkey and Brazil


Iran™s nuke fuel deal: Breakthrough or bogus?


Iran creates illusion of progress in nuclear negotiations

On the resilience of the Iranian regime

Last week, the Hoover Institution at Stanford University hosted Fouad Ajami on its weekly interview program, Uncommon Knowledge. In one of the more interesting segments, interviewer Peter Robinson asked Dr. Ajami about the goals of the Iranian regime and what chances the opposition has of success: I’m worried about people who believe that Twitter and […]


Tehran agreed to Brazil’s proposal to send uranium to Turkey as part of a fuel swap. Ayatollah Khamenei urged unity in Muslim opposition to Israel. Zimbabwe’s President Mugabe arrived in Tehran for a state visit.


A ‘revolutionary court’ sentenced in absentia women’s rights activist Shadi Sadr and an associate to “to six years in jail and 74 lashes for acting against national security and harming public order.” Police also arrested a former member of parliament and opposition leader. Iran signed a trade deal with Brazil.


Iran’s Fars News Agency claimed an IAEA report would confirm the country has only pursued a civilian nuclear program. An influential radical cleric called for the creation of an Islamic United States that stretches from Afghanistan to Israel. A French academic accused of spying during the July 2009 protests will be released from custody.