Tag Archives: Iran


A member of parliament said Iran would reduce cooperation with the IAEA. According to a poll, most of the world supports military strikes to deny Iran a military nuclear program. Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi claimed Iran’s ballistic misiles are for defensive purposes only.


Secretary Gates testified that Iran could fire “hundreds” of missiles against Europe in an attack. Russian President Medvedev criticized additional US and EU sanctions on Iran. Tehran argued that new sanctions against Iran prove the world powers maintain a double standard.


Iran shocked by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s condemnation of religious crackdown


The European Union followed the US’ lead to press for tighter sanctions on Iranian corporations. Iraq said it will not allow Kurdish terrorist groups to perpetrate attacks against Iran. Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan said Turkey is not Iran’s ally.

US Treasury sanctions target Iran’s nuclear and missile programs

Today the US Department of the Treasury announced sweeping sanctions against Iran’s nuclear and missile programs. The sanctions target the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps as well as Iran’s shipping and financial sectors. The text of the Treasury’s latest sanctions fact sheet is below: The U.S. Department of the Treasury announced today a set of designations […]


President Ahmadinejad said Iran is willing to talk about its nuclear program if certain preconditions are met. Tehran sent several more aid ships to Gaza. Tehran continued to shell Kurdish militants in the border lands between Iran and Iraq.


Iran cleric wants ‘special weapons’ to deter enemy


The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps has dismissed new UN sanctions. President Ahmadinejad said that Western powers were “naive” to impose new sanctions on Iran. Iranian police escorted opposition leader Karroubi away from pro-regime rioters.


Sporadic clashes in Tehran between police and protesters took place on June 12. Iran has no intention of reducing ties with Russia and China after the UN imposed new sanctions, a top official said. Russia must “abide by agreements” made to ship the S-300 anti aircraft missile defense system, an official said.


Iran’s Revolutionary Guards cash in after a year of suppressing dissent


Russia has halted the sale of the S-300 air defense missile system. Iran claimed it will break ground on a new nuclear facility in March 2011. Iran threatened reciprocal sanctions against Russia and China.


Iran regime weakened: divisions exposed one year after disputed presidential election


Iran threatened to reduce cooperation with the IAEA. The US moved to support Iranian political dissidents with web and communication technologies. Iranian opposition leaders canceled a protest to commemorate the June 12, 2009, presidential election.


President Ahmadinejad dismissed newly passed sanctions against Iran as “annoying flies.” Russia froze a contract to deliver S-300 anti-aircraft system to Iran. Tehran threatened to “revise” ties with the IAEA.


A resilient Iran shields itself from pressure by building alliances


The UN Security Council passed new Iran sanctions today. Iran aired conflicting video messages from an Iranian scientist who defected to the United States. Tehran denied chasing Kurdish rebels into Iraqi territory.

Tehran’s maritime shell corporations

The IRSIL Mufateh. The New York Times ran a front page story yesterday about the effectiveness of the Revolutionary Guard’s shell corporations created for the state-owned Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRSIL). The article explains that 73 of the 123 known IRSIL vessels are owned and operated by foreign companies not listed the on […]